Ghost Girl



6 years, 15 days ago



"H-hello? Is anyone there?"

Ghost Girl is what she sounds like, a dead girl who came back as a ghost. Though because she is a ghost she's constantly confused about everyone and everything, she also comes off as innocent but that isn't completely true. When she was reborn as a ghost she lost all of her memories but is now atatched to the places she has been when she was alive. It's through her interactions with these places, that she regains small memories such as the old place she lived, or her place of work. But the only major memory she has remembered, is of her boyfriend. She's become attached to his body and often follows him around, most of the time crying and trying to get him to notice her.



Ghost girl before she passed away was an aspiring model who was just starting to get popularity in her area. Her job was what she propertized so she often would lack in other parts of her life; such as relationships. Ghost Girl's boyfriend had been with her for around two years, and lived with her for one. As her job consumed her life she began to give less and less time and attention to her boyfriend. He tried to talk to her about several times with her always not listening or walking away mid conversation to handle something job realted. Ghost Girl didn't realize what she was doing, thinking that this is what he would want since she was putting money in their pockets (it also didn't help that she was a bit oblivious). Her boyfriend had made one of his final attempts to talk to her about their relationship and what was happening by setting up a dinner at their apartment. He told her this and that it's important that she comes. Ghost Girl had intended to go but she received a call from her agent telling her of a once in a lifetime opportunity to model for a lingerie company. She went to the job and got a phone call from her boyfriend, getting so caught up in her work she completey forgot about the dinner he had set up. She left in a rush not bothering to change and got in her car to drive back. Because she waas in a rush to get back she was distracted because they were fighting on the phone she forgot to put on her seatbelt. While on the phone Ghost Girl tried relentlessly to convince him to give her another chance but he told her tonight was her last chance and they ended up breaking up. Ghost Girl was pretty upset by the breakup and her driving became worse, from her paying less attention and her tears making her vision hazy. She ended up getting into a car crash and flung out of the window shield, flew into a sharp object and had her right eyeball pulled out of her socket. Where as all of the glass had cut a lot of her, including her juglar. In her ghost form she no longer has her right eye and she wears a choker around her neck to hide the scar.

【 Name 】 Ghost Girl 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 Died at age 26 【 Height 】 5'2"
【 Weight 】 Thin 【 Race 】 Ghost
【 Sexuality 】 Pansexual 【 Theme 】 Cutting My Fingers Off

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

- Because she is a ghost her hair floats

- The cross in the left eye is not necessary but it is prefered she is drawn with it

- Although she is a ghost she can be touched and has a physical body, the rules on how this works for her are unknown.




[ Best Friends ] These two met in unusual cirumstances but hit it off immediately. The two of them go to each other for everything and are overall pretty good friends.



[ Old Friends ] Myka and Ghost girl were friends back before she passed away, meeting eachother often at photo shoots. Myka being there simply to support another one of his friends but ended up finding another. Myka and Ghost Girl had that cliche gay man and straight girl relationship, often talking about boys and her issues. Now that Ghost Girl has passed away she has not regained the memory of Myka yet and has never encountered him either.
