


6 years, 10 days ago


COTTONYAWN Friendly . Apathetic . Lazy

│NAME Cottonyawn

│Gender Nonbinary

│Affiliations (current) HollowClan

│Affiliations (past) HollowClan

│Rank Hunter

│Age 35

│Status alive

│Cause of death --

│Voice claim


I miss when we were apprentices and things were easier...


Cottonyawn is known for their lazy and apathetic seeming attitude. They have spent moons perfecting their personality to come off like they don't care about what's going on around them. Acting like their emotions just don't exist. Those closest to Cotton will know that it's all an act, and that they are deeply affected by some of the things that have happened to them within their history.

Although don't hold them to just their lazy and apathetic nature, deep down they hold deep intelligence and are known to be insanely loyal to those they deeply care about. Getting their trust and loyalty is not an easy task, and losing it can be as quick as a switch. But when you have it, it's something to hold onto dearly.


  • Cottonyawn was somewhat disowned by [Parent name here] due to their lazy nature.
  • They act like getting disowned didn't affect them, but deep down it really fucked them up.
  • Cotton is naturally untrusting to anyone and everyone, especially outsiders and code breakers.
  • When they sleep they are near impossible to wake up. There have been times other warriors have panicked that they are dead.
  • Equally other warriors will panic that they are dead because they won't move for hours upon hours.
  • Cotton will often leave patrols to find a nice place to have a nap.
  • There was a rumour that Cotton slept for 3 days straight. But who could do that?...Cotton Could.

Positive Traits

  • Astute
  • Calm
  • Intelligent

Neutral Traits

  • Untrusting
  • Reserved
  • Mediator

Negative Traits

  • Lazy
  • Apathetic
  • Disorderly



Recluse Charming

Cowardly Brave

Greedy Charitable

Deceitful Sincere

Lazy Diligent

Serious Playful

Naive Perceptive

Smug Humble

Meek Bold

Foolish Intelligent

Logical Creative

Crueliy Compassion

Follower Leader

Chaotic Lawful

Grouchy Coolheaded


  • Napping
  • Cloud Watching
  • Sunning themselves
  • A nice cool breeze
  • Sound of running water


  • Work
  • Code Breakers
  • Strict Warriors
  • Outsiders
  • Rain and getting Wet

Design note

  • They Always have tired Eyes, even after a full restful sleep
  • Their fur is mostly messy and somewhat unkempt
  • Round Face
  • Fur is very thick and fluffy, what secrets are hidden within?
  • The hex number for the black/Grey is 696969 :)


Cottonkit was born within HollowClan's camp along with their siblings, Quietkit and Pinekit. They were born to [parent Name here] and [Parent Name here]. The first weeks of Cottonkit's life were filled with sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. As the kits got older one would of expected Cottonkit to start getting more active like many of the other kits within the nursery. But Cottonkit, Cottonkit would rather cuddle up to their parent and sleep even longer. [Parent 1] often allowed for Cotton to cuddle and sleep as much as they wanted. Although [Parent 2] was more focused on their kits being ready to be made warriors. Often carrying Cotton out of the nursery to go and play with the other kits and younger apprentices. Cotten didn't enjoy much of the playing. So they often made the excuse that they were going to listen to the tales of battle and warriorship from the elders. Having found that their grandparent often enjoyed cuddling up with their grandchild.


After many moons of sleeping, Cottonkit was now too old and too big for the nursery. Much like their siblings it was time for them all to become apprentices. Cottonpaw was chosen for the path of a hunter. Cotton seemed content with this, didn't mean they had to be on duty fighting or protecting all of their life. It meant there was plenty of down time for them to rest and play hookey. They were given an easy going mentor, a black tom by the name of Shadowwhisper. Hunting and training with Shadowwhisper was fun and all, they learnt a lot, but what they enjoyed most about Shadowwhisper is that when Cottonpaw wasn't to be found, he wouldn't make much of an effort to go find Cotton. Life was great.

Well, life was great...till it wasn't anymore. Cotton awoke from the apprentice's den one day to find the clan already in the middle of a clan meeting. The majority of the details were lost on Cotton from sleeping in, but they approached Pinepaw and Quietpaw to try and find out more. Only to find that [Parent 1] was the cat in question for this meeting. It seemed that they had broken the code...or Leader's law...or something dumb like that. Cotton still didn't and doesn't understand completely. This breaking of some law, put the clan to a vote to what happens to [parent 1] and when the clan came to finishing the vote [parent 1] was to be exiled. This shattered Cottonpaw. But they had to pretend like it didn't get to them. For fear that they too would be exiled.

After the exile of [Parent 1], it seemed that [parent 2] only got more and more strict, enforcing the code and warrior duties harder to their clanmates, to their kits especially. Cottonpaw often found themselves at odds with [parent 2]. It seemed that Cotton's lazy nature wasn't going to be accepted by them. But Cottonpaw wasn't going to change who they were for their parent. No way, no how. Often they'd find themselves within arguements with [parent 2] and almost always ending the arguement with [parent 2] saying something like, "you better shape up or else you're going to end up regretting your choices". Cotton often acted like it didn't affect them.

Often when Cotton was actually on duties with Shadowwhisper, Cotton would ask him what code [parent 1] broke, when Shadowwhisper answered, the answer always left Cottonpaw more confused than before they asked. Why did the laws of the clan have to be so strict and odd? Shadowwhisper often expressed that they needed to follow these laws, because anything could happen if they didn't. It was from then when Cottonpaw decided they needed to act like losing [parent 1] didn't matter, and that code breakers and outsiders were the worst things in the world.


Cottonpaw finally managed to make it to warriorhood, a couple of moons after their siblings, Quietpond and Pinefoot. They were late to their warriorhood due to often avoiding their duties, and by extension missing many of their assessments. As you could imagine, [parent 2] wasn't the best pleased. But nonetheless they were now a warrior and things were looking up...right?

WRONG! Over the past couple of moons after being made a warrior, it seemed that [parent 2] had been keeping a careful eye on Cottonyawn. And they weren't happy with the progress...or lack their of, of their laziness. [Parent 2] Approached Cottonyawn one day while they were avoiding their hunting duties. Which fell into an all right arguement. Expressing how Cottonyawn was fast tracking themselves straight into exile like [Parent 1]. Cottonyawn didn't appreciate this comparrison, and retorted with questioning [Parent 2] why they didn't stick up and protect their mate. This arguement lasted for quite some time till someone approached and broke the two up. [Parent 2] throwing out one last, "You're a disappointment, a waste of kin. And will be a waste of kin to anyone!" Cottonyawn acted like this didn't affect them, but deep down it cut deep. Cottonyawn threw out one last "Well you're lucky I am not going to be your kin anymore". From then on [Parent 2]'s words cut deep to Cottonyawn, truely believing that they were a waste to anyone and everyone. Although they couldn't just change themselves, after a lifetime of habits. They act like they don't need to change, but deep down they do believe they need to change...they just can't.

Many moons passed, and Cotton found themselves often questioning if their sibling thought the same as [Parent 2]. They did find that at the very least Quietpond seemed to stick with Cotton, they hoped that Pinefoot would be the same too. But Quietpond was always a constant. She was kind and was always close, the two often hunting together...when Cotton did hunt. Often commenting that maybe Cotton could hunt more to help the clan, maybe that'd make [parent 2] happier. But Cotton often would express how they didn't want to make a fox-heart like [parent 2] happier.

In terms of Pinefoot, for a while Cottonyawn found it hard to approach their sister, due to how conficted she seemed with the whole situation. Cottonyawn knew how much Pinefoot looked up to [parent 2]. But over time Pinefoot confronted Cottonyawn herself, telling them that she stood by them. Cottonyawn was comforted by this, but still is a little unsure. ut they try and push it down. They know their sister means what she means...they hope.

As the moons would pass, Quietpond would give birth to her first litter of kits. Cottonyawn was excited to be a pibling for these kits. But did find it worrying that [parent 2]'s words continued to linger in their head. Maybe they weren't a good rolemodel so they at times would avoid the kits. But there were times when they would find themselves as a jungle gym to said kits. They loved their sister's kits, and would always be there for them when they needed them.


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Cottonyawn loves Pinefoot just as they would any of their family...besides... Well anyway. Cotton would do anything for Pinefoot, although they aren't as close to Pinefoot as they are with Quietpond, but they still would drop anything to help out their sister. No matter what! Cottonyawn is still pretty open with Pinefoot, but there are certain times and situations where Cotton will hide their true opinions and feelings. Especially where [Parent 2] is involved.

Quietpond is Cottonyawn's Sister. Cottonyawn considers themselves pretty close to Quietpond. Whenever Cottonyawn goes hunting and is actually planning on working, they'll often choose to go with Quietpond when they can. Quietpond is one of the few cats that Cottonyawn feels like they can express their true feelings and thoughts. One of the few cats who knows that Cottonyawn isn't as apathetic as they come off.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Seapaw is Cottonyawn's nephew/niece, while distant as first with Quietpond's kits, now Cottonyawn knows that they'd do anything for their niece/nephew. They appreciate being in their lives. As kits Cottonyawn would often let them climb all over them!

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