kyran villan



11 months, 15 hours ago


Character Name


Name kyran villan
Called ky, general "n"
Age "24 y.o" (831 y.o).
Pronouns he/him/his
Race saint
Occupation saint general
Alignment content
Theme Song link


  • confident
  • enigmatic
  • playful


  • interesting people
  • fighting
  • books

ky is one of the several leading generals of the saints. with high seniority, he's well respected throughout the heavenly grounds. he can seem rather strange and unserious because of his back-and-forth attitude, but he always has a reason for his actions. he's highly intelligent and strategic, but because of his jokester attitude, his enemies often get confused.


ky was born into a wealthy family where he was strictly raised. he was taught to take care of the family to prolong the bloodline while also being taught several other extracurriculars such as art, cooking, sports, and so much more at the same time. he always performed with grace and precision, and he always behaved to prove to his family that he was reliable. but it never proved to be enough. what made it worse was his restriction on freedom. his family always insisted that there wasn't a need for him to go outside unless it was related to business matters that benefitted the family. he often snuck out into the city to explore and learn the ways of everyday life, especially outside of his aristocratic life. he loved people watching, observing the way people interacted and seeing the different individual lives of each person. but what caught his eye the most was those that were the most unfortunate, the people without homes. it was just such a big contrast to his own life where he lived so comfortably.

from then on, he would. make it his goal to help provide for those that were less fortunate than him. he would take food and other necessities from his home to give to the homeless, something his parents wouldn't notice since they had an abundance of supplies. he would go to the same spot at least once a week to give to the homeless. a purple haired girl around the same age as him always caught his eye but he never paid any mind to it, until the day she personally talked to him alone. she sincerely thanked him for her efforts and gifted him a doll made of scraps she found on the streets. it was horribly made and didn't look the prettiest, but it was the first gift he ever received. and he could tell that she spent hours on it. he kept it in his bedside drawer, always making sure that it was there before he went to bed each night. from there, he would develop some sort of infatuation with her and they would get to know each other more. through the years, ky stopped giving to the homeless due to his family demanding him to take on more serious matters of the family business as he grew older. he saw the girl much less, although they would occasionally meet at that same spot ages ago. he gifted her a doll of his own rendition, made very well and meticulously. but still made with the same care of the doll she gave him. it would be the last time they saw each other.


ky died due to unfortunate circumstances. the constant stress of his family caused him to lose focus, and he slipped from the balcony when trying to sneak out to see the girl again. due to his streak of being a good person, he became a saint. due to his proactive nature in his past life, he quickly rose in ranking and became a respected general of the saints. in this life, he acted more freely like himself, liberated from the holds of his family previously


  • only generals have access to the files of everyone's past lives, other than themselves. ky doesn't remember his past life, just like everyone else. memories come in fragments.
  • he's referred to as general "n", since each general is coded with different names.
  • chaotic lawful tbh



Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.