


9 months, 8 days ago


02a8337d04b39f0ada00fb634d7322f2.jpg Caslin Makina Mind_Aspect.svg

-- \isten, i don't think this is a good idea. Can't you find some other way to do this? -
Knight of Mind
9.23 sweeps/20 Earth years
Screen name
Typing style
Starts with --, ends with -, uses lowercase letters except for C, replaces l with \.
Strife Specibi
Fetch modus
Rotating Tires
Track - Lusus
Land of Electricity and Wires

Caslin Makina, also known by his Trollian handle newfangledAuxiliary, is a bronze blooded troll and a mechanic. The word newfangled in his handle refers to how excited he gets when it comes to new things. Auxiliary refers to how much support and help he provides to anyone, especially relating to his occupation. His sigil is a half gear and a stylized screwdriver, and his uneven horns resemble a wrench.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Personality and Traits

Caslin is a rational and logical innovator who can make quick and effective choices. However, sometimes he can't tell whether people need his help or not and needs them to state it explicitly. Even though Caslin tries his best to be careful with his words, he can come off as insensitive as he's the type of person to give advice instead of just listening to someone vent. He does try his best to be empathetic, it's just that he doesn't know when's a good time to state his opinions or say nothing at all. When it comes to quadrants, Caslin is extremely cautious and picky, as he often surrounded himself with untrustworthy people who he calls friends but wouldn't really rely on them. Hell, he might not have anyone to rely on when it comes to emotions.



Caslin's lusus. It's not very present in Caslin's life but it would bring Caslin random materials for Caslin to use. It often left Caslin alone, leaving him to figure things out on his own and rely on himself only.

Lithiu Sulfur

Lithiu is one of his friends who would often ask him for advice, even if it's on things he doesn't know about. Since Lithiu often doesn't take his advice seriously, Caslin just says whatever is on his mind, whether he believes what he's saying or not. Weirdly enough, this makes Caslin feel more comfortable with Lithiu. He doesn't even know why Lithiu would ask him for advice she won't take seriously, but Caslin thinks it's endearing how often she does this.

Raeley Hermes

He's not very close with Raeley but they often have interesting conversations. Raeley is someone who's more about her emotions while Caslin is more about logic. While they don't talk as often, they would approach the other when looking for different viewpoints.

Haraya Magsul

Caslin felt weird being around Haraya. Even though he does get along with him, something in his brain is telling him not to trust Haraya. There were times where Haraya drove Caslin crazy and despite nothing terribly bad happening in the end of those situations, it made Caslin think that Haraya is not to be trusted.


  • Caslin's goggles are optional and he'd also sometimes wear black gloves.
  • Has a high tolerance for pain.
  • Hive is extremely messy as he prefers to have his things out in the open instead of going through drawers to find them; his hive is a safety hazard.
  • Refuses to wear his god tier form.