Kagami Honda (Shoto and Kagami)


Basic Info

Height Difference

Shoto is taller than Kagami by 5 inches.


Kagami and Shoto met a couple weeks after the sports festival. She had formed a major crush on him from watching him at the festival, and decided to introduce herself. The two grew closer steadily, and learning of eachother's pasts just made them closer to one another.

The two have a soft and easygoing relationship. They trust one another completely. The only form of PDA they show is handholding, as they prefer to save affection for when they are alone together to prevent nasty rumors spreading. Shoto is Kagami's biggest musical muse, and she often writes songs on the piano for him and he enjoys listening to her play them.

They also spend a lot of time reading and just relaxing together in the same room, occasionally talking about their day or something else that's on their mind. At times, they will play video games against or with eachother; typically, Pokemon.

Shoto's siblings immediately took to Kagami, but Endeavor isn't too fond that she has become a "distraction" to his son, despite the fact that Shoto still focuses mainly on training and Kagami supports him fully in his ambitions. She doesn't meet his mother until a year into their relationship.