Mesu Tempra



6 years, 7 days ago



  • name Mesu Tempra
  • Birthday June 8th
  • Species Dire "Were"wolf
  • Height 6'2" / 12'
  • Gender Male
  • Eye Color Yellow
  • Familyparents- deceased, siblings- younger sister Marisol
  • RelationshipMilo
  • Layout watergems



From a strangers point of view Mesu can come off as cold hearted, impersonal, unfeeling, but if you asked the people that know him best they wouldn't exactly say he's shy as much as he just doesn't have much to say. Mesu is quiet, not easily roused, doesn't get bothered by much, he's very much a calm collected guy that has his life set out for himself. Though, when topics concerning family, friends, and home a switch is flipped, as prince and heir to a dying throne, Mesu has a lot of unspoken feelings, and he'll keep it that way if he has anything to do about it, but the air around him changes, quite literally heating up.


In his stories setting Mesu isn't from earth, but a planet similar to earth connect to it by rifts that sporadically open from time to time. When his younger sister was born Mesu's parents were scared of what their people would do if they found out about what their infant daughter was not. (Age 5) So they took her and Mesu and a few close family friends through those rifts into a world where they would not fit in but their newest would. Looking back on it Mesu knows what his parents did was in good light but it was selfish, and ultimately what caused their end. (Age 12)Their death spiraled Mesu's life out of control in a quite literally fiery hellbent path for revenge. (Age18) By the time Mesu had graduated high school he had a lot of things under his belt he started wishing he didn't, he felt like he was burnt out, the the person who had caused all of this it was quite the contrary, Mesu was just heating up. After an event the people of the city he had lived in most for of his life could only describe as a "Blizzard of Fire". (Age 26, current) After that things quieted down, the only thing Mesu really worries about now is if Milo is gonna come home wasted or be reckless again, both are the only things that make him sweat.

  • House Cleaning
  • Graphic Design
  • Coding
  • Fighting
Unique Abilities
  • Dire werewolf- he can transform at will, much larger
  • Fire- could be considered an embodiment of fire, can control and withstand fire
  • Super Heat- he can basically melt anything without setting it on fire, this also applies to body heat, Mesu is considered to always be running a fever. Natural body heat is over 100 degrees, anyone in proximity to him can feel the temperature change.
  • 100% fire proof 
Milo Carr

At first for the two, Mesu tolerated Milo, he was a picky child, but after moving to earth Mesu wouldn't leave Milo's side and vice versa. Milo for the longest time was one of the only other people that Mesu would confide in, his best friend, and the only other person his age that was from their homeworld. The two of them have a bit of a prince/knight relationship, Milo is more than willing to do whatever it takes to help Mesu succeed in whatever it is he's doing, and Mesu doesn't know what to do with that other than make sure he doesn't get him killed, which he nearly once did, but Milo will protest, reassuring him and demanding he realize that he did it of his own accord, for Mesu, but because he wanted to. They are very comfortable with each other, Mesu is a lot less stressed knowing Milo has his back.

Marisol Tempra

Mesu's younger sister, he may have spoiled her a bit too much because later in life he's realized she's become a spoiled brat that can be a bit manipulative, he tries not to think about it. She was a driving force for him when he was younger, they were heirs to a throne that was abandoned for her safety, but people were still out for them so he put it upon himself to protect and prevent anything from happening to her since their parents went well out of their way to give her a safe environment to grow up in. She's spoiled but he's overly protective.

Aranea Bolter

A girl from one of the families that followed his parents to a strange yet similar world. Aranea comes from a family that is highly supportive of his families throne, and very close to Mesu's mother. Mesu however didn't make much of an effort to get to know her, she was more one of Milo's little brother's friend group that tried to follow Mesu and Milo despite his best efforts. Now, whoever, he sees the progress she's made

Conner Carr

Milo's younger brother, Mesu's still tolerates him, he can be a prick and pretends he and his brother don't get along, but Mesu will shoot him a glare when he speaks out of line and he'll shut up. Mesu isn't here for his bullshit, especially with how much he's thrown away for this kid and his friends.

Wakame Moore

The only one out of Conner's friend group that Mesu actually likes and talks to regularly. Mostly because Wakame's father is an informant and regularly travels between worlds. Wakame and his father were actually on earth before Mesu's family, though he was a toddler then. Mesu still sees that as understanding earth better than he does. He also likes that Wakame waters down Conner.

  • Despite the fact that Mesu is blond and considered caucasian, his wolf form is all black with the occasional cracks of fire and embers.
  • His family is almost only made up of all black, fire using, dire-werewolves.
  • Nothing really pulls him away from work, not even Milo(he tries, bless his heart), with the exception of strawberries.