Milo Carr



6 years, 7 days ago



  • name Milo Carr
  • Birthday December 16th
  • Species Dire "Were"wolf
  • Height 6'4" / 11'
  • Gender Male
  • Eye Color Blue
  • Familyparents- mother(missing), dad(????), step-father | siblings- younger brother Conner
  • RelationshipMesu
  • Layout watergems



Milo is that guy you would assume is a party bro, with how loud and cocky he is, but once you see him running around going out of his way to help people it gives you a better look at who he really is. Very caring and protective of his friends and family, even if Conner is a prick to him. Milo is a self assured, confident hero type of guy, he's quick to bite but will fully own up to his mistakes wanting nothing more than to make up for them. He's the kinda guy that goes out of his way to make Mesu smile, his personal goal every day. Milo's also not afraid to make the choices and take the actions no one wants to 


Milo's story follows closely with Mesu's, (Age 5) came to earth with his family, he didn't like it but he got a friend out of it. Later just a few years after they had settled in his mother disappeared, still hasn't found out what happened to her, but these things happen, right. (Age 12) His best friend left him and his brother on the side walk as they did all the time when walking home from school, but this time something felt off, the house felt... not right. The side of the house blew wide open which startled literally everyone, he then watched from across the street, then joined by Mesu and Marisol, though they were taken by authorities shortly after the everything cooled off. Authorities choked it up as an accident, but Mesu knew, and Milo could feel it. That's where things took a real turn for the worst. (Age 18) By the middle of high school Milo had gotten himself into more than enough trouble, his step-father worried over everything, but somehow he kept up his grades, it was more outside of school that was a problem. He tagged along Mesu for his hellbent revenge ride to make sure he didn't get himself killed and did his best to keep his younger brother out of it as well. At some point, before break, Milo has a run in with a guy that looks eerily similar to him. A high functioning psychopathy named Umi seemed to have it in for him and he couldn't figure out for the life of him why, which lead to more awful shenanigans, of which he almost dies protecting Mesu, and after which deals with Umi. Then the Blizzard of Fire happens with Mesu, some guy saying he wanted to test their merit, and after Mesu's whole deal he figured it was over, but while out of state in a place where snow and ice had no place being people of this desert town tell of how the desert became a tundra with what sounded like dogs fighting, Milo had brought the arctic just outside of one of the hottest cities in the US. (Age 26, current) After a whole new mess of things stuff started to settle down, Milo and Mesu where just trying to be functioning adults and live an average life, but something calls to Milo, the need and want to do something good and better. Then Umi rears his ugly mug back into their life... wasn't he dead?

  • Cooking
  • Communication / social skills
  • Time / team management
  • Fighting / weapon use
Unique Abilities
  • Dire werewolf- he can transform at will, much larger than your average werewolf.
  • Ice- could be considered an embodiment of ice, can control and withstand ice and extremely low temperatures.
  • Subzero- forget frostbite, just go straight to literally being ice.
  • Never cold- he's never been cold in his entire life, could sit in freezing cold water and not be bothered in the least, would prefer not to because being wet is a hassle. He's also never had a fever or overheated. Never breaking a sweat, though Mesu can make it hot enough where he will feel like he's literally melting, yikes!
Mesu Tempra

Milo has always admired how headstrong Mesu is, been when he saw him start to falter he knew he needed someone to have his back, and being raised told he's going to be that person's knight/personal guard he put that mentality to use. Milo can be said to be Mesu's better half, but he'll bark back about how just as nice and good Mesu is, to which Mesu will leave the room. Milo would like nothing more than for things to get resolved for Mesu, being there since the beginning Milo understands exactly what's going on and how he feels. He can sympathize with him a little too well sometimes and will get overly upset in Mesu's place.

Conner Carr

Milo's younger brother, he cares about him a lot since it's just the two of them with a man who literally had no idea that his girlfriend and her kids were from a completely different planet. He wanted Conner to not get caught up with all the shit Mesu and him got into themselves but Conner is defiant by nature. This gets on his nerves all the time, but if he gets mad at him it just perpetuates the supposed rift between him and his little brother. Maybe it was because Conner thought he was pushing him away when he was just trying to protect him from monsters that were after their friends. It's really alien to Milo, they used to be really close, he didn't see this coming at all.

Aranea Bolter

Aranea's family worked closely with Milo's family and as such Milo knew a lot of her family and a lot about them. He didn't like that they didn't think much of Aranea so he made it a point to help her become better than what they were, together they are spite buddies and he is her ultimate wing-man. Having a similar outlook in life the two of them can hold a better conversation that Milo can with Conner at the moment, that isn't yelling. She's not as loud as he is and tones him down if Mesu isn't around. She's a good influence on him and her friends and Milo likes that about her.

Marisol Tempra

Mesu's kid sister, he adores her, when she's not acting like a brat, he already has enough of that with Conner.

Wakame Moore

A close friend of his and Conner's, and being between the two's ages Wakame tended to want to hang out with both of them, and before Conner started acting up it was good fun. The two of them, Milo and Wakame, bounce off each other, both cocky and supportive, it just becomes a rowdy place when the two are in the same room. They are also co-workers at a local skate shop, Milo being his boss.

  • Despite the fact that Milo has tanned skin and brown hair his dire-werewolf is all white, with the exclusion of his pink nose, paw pads and blue eyes.
  • His family is made up of three arctic animals, wolf, bear, and fox. He is a wolf and his brother is a bear, their mom was also a wolf, they both assume their dad is a bear since their mother's family is all wolves.
  • If you ever wanna start working out take Milo he's very encouraging when it comes to exercise, best gym buddy!