


10 months, 17 days ago


Moonpenny | Molly | She/Her | Hidden Colony Kitten

Moonpenny has long, thin legs with tufts near the shoulder. The fur around her neck, as she's gotten older, has fluffed up into a mane-like look. Nowadays she sports soft, slightly-wavy, long white fur with cream and blue rosetted dapples on varying parts of her body. She has notably strange ear tufts, and has hazely eyes, with multiple flowers dotting her body. In particular, a Rosemary bracelet, made by Shale for being nest neighbors, Yellow Roses, to represent Shale, Pot Marigold, to represent Marigold, Canadian Evening Primrose, to represent Twilight and Fireweed, to represent Smolder.

Moonpenny is a charismatic molly, voice and conversation is highly important to her. Always eager to learn, she’s quick to come up with games or activities for her loved ones and for the younger members of the Colonies relating to words, happily aiding in the feline equivalent of vocabulary and communication. Non-verbal communication is similarly just as important to her, and she has fond memories of coming up with games to play with Shale when he felt too overwhelmed to speak. Cats in the colony might know Moonpenny as a bit more of a friendly molly, though it’s definitely lessened since kithood. She tries to be someone dependable, a cat you can always count on, though this isn’t always the case. A stubborn molly, it is hard to change Moonpenny’s opinion on something. Paired with her hard-working nature, this can lead to her burning herself out as she refuses to take a break. She enjoys learning new things, and will curiously poke and prod at new things until she understands them well enough. Stories of such always catch her attention, though she can actually be a bit pushy if she wants the information enough. Moonpenny can be protective of those she cares for, she wants to make sure they’re safe especially after what happened to Copper. This shows particularly with Shale, though she’s been making good progress of easing up on the protectiveness and learning to let go. Moonpenny is secretive when it comes to what she’s doing, she’ll avoid questions and refuse to answer. She can’t understand why this may make others suspicious of her, as it is often something benign, she just prefers to keep her business to herself even if its something the others really need to know, especially in a time such as this one. She can also be pretty cold as well towards outsiders, anyone who isn’t in the Hidden Colony risk getting a blunt or sharp comment from Moonpenny if they approach her. With all the fighting, Moonpenny can be a bit cynical sometimes, though it’s not something she’s particularly proud of, as sometimes she comes off as more rude then she intends to.

Her parent is Pigeon, her littermates are Clay, Grove, Copper and Shale. She was raised alongside Beaver and Alouette's adopted litter of Twilight, Juniper, Smolder and Marigold.