Lucille De'Ville



6 years, 10 days ago



"You waitin' on a train?"

Name: Lucille De'Ville
Gender: Female
Status: Demigod
Title: N/A
Occupation: Conductor/Operator of the Devil's Train
Location of Influence: Soul Central Station
Godship: Granted
Theme: 🚂


Lucille was the only survivor in the wake of a terrible railroad accident. The negligent misdirection of two sets of tracks lead two Crescent bullet trains into a head-on collision, killing almost everyone aboard each train. When Lucille emerged from the wreckage mostly-unscathed, she found herself able to see the souls of the deceased, and was soon face to face with Harbinger Yaga, the deity of carnage. Upon noticing her survival, Harbinger Yaga informed Lucille that her survival of this terrible tragedy had given her special powers and changed her appearance; she bore the Eyes of the Dead, and her once-frizzy locks had been turned into an freeforming, ectoplasmic substance. She could now see and interact with the the souls of the deceased, and the deities and Gods having to do with them.

Seeing that her new existence would be purposeless in the Realm of the Living--and being sure to inform her so--, Harbinger Yaga offered to create a position of work for her in the Realm of the Dead that would involve the trasnportation of souls to the Cloud Court, and then to his office in Purgatory. He explained that in situations of catastrophe like the train collision she had survived, many of the souls that were left behind ended up fading into the Void or being claimed by watchful demons and darchangels, as the soul count was typically very high, and he could only transport a certain number of them at a time. He also had to wait until they had been processed in the Cloud Court before he was able to get them into Purgatory and dictate their Final Judgement, a process which could take up to an entire century in some cases.

Lucille was happy to accept the position, and thus became the Operator of the "Devil's Train", an ethereal locomotive of her own imagination. In the event of a catastrophe, a destination and time are created, a track is forged, and the newly deceased souls are picked up by Lucille and brought en masse to Soul Central Station, a transitional destination that lies before the gates of Purgatory.




  • ♡. Schedules, charts, graphs, etc.
  • ♡. Her stopwatch
  • ♡. Greeting new passengers
  • ♡. Giving the Operator's introduction
  • x. Tardiness
  • x. Extremely hysterical passengers
  • x. Interruptions/being interrupted
  • x. The concept of accidents

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Harbinger Yaga


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Sebastian Allingham


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Atlas (Alma) Myers


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