


9 months, 9 days ago


Please read before purchasing!
  • Premium is needed to use this theme, this is a CSS and only premium members can use CSS.
  • This does not come with raw SCSS/CSS. You will only get an @import link.
  • This can be used on any of the following pages - users, characters, and worlds.
  • Colors are not fully customizable - please see the options below for more information.

Purchasers beware, this is my personal CSS and strips down a lot of the layout - especially the navbar and sidebar. There is also no option for a blurb! You can use the blurb for custom sidebar links (which comes with the CSS, no worries!) Or have no blurb at all.

If you are just looking for a nice, clean layout that's not too busy - this is definitely for you!

Upon purchase, you will receive an instant download to a ZIP file containing 1 customizable scss in plain .txt and .scss files and 1 HTML in plain .txt and .hml files.



This must look like the old import! will not accept the new import style from google fonts (I have put in a ticket for this).

New Import:
@import url(';500&family=Varela+Round&display=swap');

Old Import (This is what it needs to look like):
@import url("|Montserrat:400,500");

$page-type - The page types are: user, character, and world. You MUST change this to the correct one for the CSS to work correctly!

$font-family-display - Font for headings, navigation bar, and sidebar

$font-family-body - Font for the rest of the stuff

$primary-accent - The primary accent color

$secondary-accent - Secondary accent color, used for every other bootstrap color

$navbar-bg-color - Background color of the very top navbar

$navbar-txt-color - Text color

$navbar-txt-hover-color - Text color on hover

$sidebar-bg-color - Background color of the main navbar and footer

$sidebar-txt-color - Text color

$sidebar-txt-hover-color - Text color on hover

$sidebar-icons - On or Off. Decide if you want words for the custom links or icons

$sidebar-custom-links - On or Off. Only use if you're using the blurb links

$nav-footer-border-radius - Border radius of the main sidebar and footer

$footer - On or Off

$content-bg-color - Background color of the main content

$content-txt-color - Text color of main content

$content-faded-bg-color - Faded background color

$content-txt-muted-color - Muted text color

$content-border-color - Border color of everything

$content-border-width - Border width of most items - excluding HR's

$content-border-radius - Border radius of everything

$container-margin-y - Space between the content and navbar/footer

$content-container-margin-y - Space between the content's content

$content-container-size - Size of the main container

$content-custom-text-bg - On or Off. Toggle the background for your custom texts on profiles. Use the class .custom-content if you want to do that on your own!

$all-content-contain - On or Off. If on, it'll make the navbar/footer the same size as the main content. If off, the navbar/footer will span the entire page.

$page-header-align - Left, center, or right

$character-header-simple - On or Off. Toggle the created info and tags from the character header

$gallery-columns - Choose how many columns your gallery should have!

$background - Including background color and optional image

$sidebar-toggles - Built in sidebar link toggles! Now you don't have to worry about doing it yourself :)