WTA: Quartz's Comments

Ayy I have budew + mudkip and Shroomagus Shroomish + Mismagius  if that sparks your interest you can check it out here



WTA part:

This is a rock type eevee forced evolved by team rocket called code name Quartz.

This eevee ability is Sturdy and can learn rock type&Dark type move. It is also immune to poison,electricity attacks.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to offer by showing me these adopts “^^?

oh i just wanted you to look at them. is my wta invalid?

Your WTA is okay! I just thought it was strange you advertised your ufs/t adopts to me because it’s not really etiquette to, unless you was offering them to me to trade.

I'm just showing off my stuffs but if you wanna offer that's fine too

Please don’t self-advertise ;;

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