









1300-1500 years






Former scholar, refugee











WIP page. Just missing images, content for this text box, the design tab icons palette, and likes/dislikes.


Sympathy is a young Omnicebe survivor currently living on Earth. As his name suggests, he is widely sympathetic towards the creatures of the universe. Even those that do harm are not exempt from inflicting some sort of sympathetic or remorseful feeling on him. He is a calm and soft spoken individual, prioritizing peacefulness and knowledge. Like other Omnicebes, Sympathy cannot express many other strong emotions or sometimes even feel them at all.

On Scienia, he was especially involved in knowledge as an archivist. And before hiding on Earth, he wanted to help send aid to other planets and alien races through the infinite knowledge that he and the other Omnicebes possess.


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On Scienia

Sympathy spent most of his time contributing to studies and archival on Scienia. He was a relatively new Omnicebe, only a couple hundred or so years old, and had a lot to learn. His calm and sympathetic tendencies surprisingly led to conflict between him and his peers. He was an adamant supporter of reaching out to other civilizations with their knowledge and helping them through struggles, which caused him and his ideas to clash with those of other Omnicebes.

Invasion & Escape

He was one of the survivors of the Irken Invasion. He almost didn't leave the planet-- he had no idea how to pilot a ship and had never left the planet before. He was desperate to help his fellow Omnicebes, but was pushed to flee instead. To them, his young age, feelings, and humanitarian goals made it important that he survived and found those in need throughout the universe. He fled using an experimental version of the Omnicebe aircraft, one designed for usage in contacting other civilizations, the goals he and his like-minded peers had back when things were still at peace.

Sympathy found a faraway planet that the Irken Empire had no knowledge of and chose it as his hiding place. However, arrival there did not go as planned. His lack in piloting skills caused his craft to falter and crash into the planet's wilderness while entering the harsh protective atmosphere. The crash left him broken and bruised, but not damaged enough to stop him from mending his wounds and dragging himself and his technology into a cave. There, he used what he salvaged from his aircraft to fashion a comfortable place to fall into a sort of stasis. The cave ended up being deep enough to obscure his presence for almost a millenia.

Current Day

Sympathy found himself awake-- or half awake-- once the modern era of human civilization settled in. Knowledge flooding into him to update his memory after being asleep for so long was disorienting, and he found himself unable to know the emotions of beings as well as he used to. But one thing was abundantly clear to him-- an Irken invader was now on his planet. He thus decided to use his ship's remaining functions to explore the planet in any way he could and observe this invader without even leaving where he returned to slumber. One of the experimental capabilities had been remote communications via a hologram and virtual visualization systems that used the Omnicebe's mind and knowledge stores to visualize their surroundings, then fill in the gaps and real-time occurrences with technology.




Sympathy, like all Omnicebes, is a pale blue-colored alien with four eyes, pointed ears, and a pair of horns growing on top of his head matching his skin color. His lower two eyes are a deep jade color with teal highlights and longer lashes. They are always half-lidded. His upper eyes are a very pale, almost white-ish blue. His right leg is a prostetic starting at the hip. The metal is shaped similarly to a human's leg bone structure with joints at the hip, knee, and ankle. He does not wear pants over this leg.

He is somewhat shorter than an adult human (i.e. Professor Membrane), but easily considered at an adult height on Earth. Compared to other Omnicebes, he is of average height.


He wears a dark blue turtleneck and matching leggings that end around the mid-calf. On his shoulders is a teal jacket with jade inner lining. His arms are not through the sleeves. His hands are bandaged with grey wrappings extending up the forearm. Around his ears are two vertical oval bands floating without touching the skin. These are somewhat akin to jewelry.



  • Despite Scienia being very blue, and Sympathy blue himself, he actually likes the color green, similar to the lush green colors of Earth's nature and foliage.
  • Donec rhoncus gravida lectus et gravida.
  • Morbi urna justo, rhoncus et quam vitae, imperdiet commodo tellus.
  • Vivamus non blandit metus, quis efficitur dolor.


  • Omnipotence: As an Omnicebe, Sympathy knows the total of all universal knowledge, emotions, and everything in-between. It updates in almost real-time, with a short delay of about a few Earth hours. Sympathy's wounds from his crash landing blinded him from seeing emotion properly, meaning he may not pick up everything about a creature's feelings anymore or may miss some entirely.
  • Hologram: The technology Sympathy recovered from his ship allows him to appear as a hologram anywhere on Earth when and where he chooses. He can see his surroundings somewhat when doing this, as he already knows appearances from his omnipotence and the tech uses some remote camera technology to catch up to real-time.

Description of image. This can be the character using one of their skills, or something related to the trivia.


Charity mentor & favorite peer

Charity was a much older Omnicebe who mentored Sympathy when he was created. The two shared opinions on sharing their species' knowledge with other planets and beings in need. Sympathy curiously cannot deduce what has happened to Charity-- he receives no information on his whereabouts or actions if she is still alive, but no knowledge on whether or not she died. She is a melancholy memory to him now...

adversary? Zim

Irkens are understandably worrying to Sympathy. After all, their Empire destroyed his home and almost drove his species to extinction... However, this invader in particular is puzzling. Sympathy is cautiously curious and almost optimistic. Maybe Zim isn't as dangerous as he thought. Maybe he finally has the ability to forge his own path independent from the superiors that desire to control his and all Irkens' fates...
