Kasifer (human disguise)



9 months, 18 days ago


I like putting him into situations and AUs :)

Kasifer is the perfectionistic God of Death. He is very serious, organised and strict but tries his best to be fair and kind. He's plays the violin and among humans in disguise is a violin teacher and musical conductor.

Being a religious figure has made him believe all Gods are perfect by nature and it resulted in holding himself up to impossible standards. He wants to be seen as someone reliable that people can trust to be in such a position of power but tends to forget, that he is still a person with flaws who needs rest, in the process.

He is proud of his work and thinks very highly of himself and his skill. Although he tends to isolate himself in his work which led to loosing touch with humanity and many people around him. Overall he's not an unpleasant person to be around, he just prefers listening and silently spending time with people. 

Godly arrogance has led him to kill almost the entire country of fantasy-Germany to try and prevent a plague from spreading. He deeply regrets this, but also considers it his coronation as a god.

  • Associated songs are Reaper by Silverberg and Danse Macabre
  • He's got a light German accent when speaking English
  • When speaking German he speaks in high German but has started to adapt a light Austrian accent (which he tries to hide)
  • Appears in his mid to late 30s
  • AroAce, extremely uninterested in relationships or erotica. Forever maidenless
  • Technically his "real" name is just Death. He made the name Kasifer Pfauengrab up as part of his human disguise. But he considers it his real name as well
  • Nickname is "Kas" although rarely anyone ever calls him that, he doesn't particularly like it but tolerates it on occasion
  • Autistic & selectively mute although he's largely gotten over his anxiety to speak
  • His glasses function as sunglasses. His eyes are made to see in darkness and is easily blinded by sunlight.
  • He has light pupils
  • Technically has no gender but took the form of a man to present masc.
  • Doesn't like showing skin, hands and face are the only acceptable skin to show.
  • Probably falls for a deez nuts joke twice a week. He's not hip with the teens or their jokes
  • Also bad/bad luck at games. Tends to loose but he is just here to spend time with others and not to win. He's not competitive.
  • His favourite animal is a peacock! His last name means "peacock's grave" because he's edgy.
  • Fascinated by morbidity, would listen to these forensics podcasts
  • Can't fix his inhuman features in his human disguise (fangs, red eyes, pointy ears). He thinks that thankfully nobody notices them but everyone does. They're just polite and not bringing it up. There's bets whether he's an actual vampire or just a very dedicated goth human.
  • Doesn't like sweets and prefers fruit or berries as dessert over chocolate or candy. Coffee person.
  • Very thin and a little underweight (doesn't eat a lot) but still supernaturally strong due to being a God
  • If he had a boss fight it would probably be in a similar style to No Straight Roads