Theresia (Human form)



9 months, 8 days ago


Also WIP her story is kind of a mess. I mostly put her into situations and AUs. Support women's wrongs though

Theresia is a confident but violent healing Goddess and the villain in many people's story. Her villany doesn't come from self-serving malice though, she usually just doesn't care about the consequences of her actions and acts in her own very biased sense of justice or obligations. To her, as long as she can fix it afterwards, it's fine.

She is self aware of her flaws and does a lot better advising others on what not to do, even if she herself disregards it. All she tries sticking to is at the very least not unnecessarily kill people, but she sure makes up for that by twisiting healing magic into offensive gore. A lot of her fighting is reckless collateral damage, to herself and others. She may even intentionally put herself into a disadvantage for a challenge. 

Unless she specifically dislikes someone or sees their actions as even worse than/equal to hers, she is open to reason and new things. But she won't admit that. Instead, Theresia becomes playful and makes them earn it. 

Don't think she is stupid or hotheaded, she simply lives in the moment and seeks short term thrill. Insults don't bother her much as she sees most mortals below her in some way. 

  • Associated songs are This Is Gonna Hurt by Sixx: A.M. and Appetite for Destruction by Vo Williams
  • Her hobbies include fitness, hunting, fishing, cooking, metalworking and collecting rocks.
  • Only really cooks meat in all sorts of ways though
  • Appears in her early 40s
  • Has a penpal from another, modern dimension named Rose but they're both unaware they're from different worlds (She visits her eventually though)
  • AroAce
  • Likes to call people by descriptive nicknames, either because she can't be bothered to remember their names, to make fun of them or to be a friendly tease
  • Her scars are the shapes of cracks as her monster form is made from rock
  • How does she fly in her monster form? How about we stop talking for a bit
  • Proficient in various types of weapons but prefers to use her bare hands as monster
  • Her favourite animal is a wasp
  • Speaks in full caps for emphasis most of the time
  • She revels in the idea of being a monster and considers that her freedom
  • Also kind of in jail for being violent
  • If she had a boss fight it would be in the style of the Soulsborne games