


10 months, 12 days ago


Gédéon (or Gideon) is a leucistic made Indian peafowl. He’s entirely white, save for the crown and the tail, which are coloured normally. He’s the bird of time, a legendary creature capable of travelling across many dimensions, monitoring and altering the course of time. You’re never sure in which order you meet him. He can also cast sandstorms and could not care less about that.

He was born in the year -18, and took part in a worldwide conflict of beliefs that shook the world of birds at that time; he was leading the spiritualists. After Zebulon, a black herring gull, stood up and managed to put an end to it, he met Oberon, leader of the opposite side, and collaborated with them to found an empire for all the birds. He accepted to become the emperor’s councillor, until he died a few years later. He then came back to life following unpredictable patterns. He’s pretty sure he accidentally met himself many times. The course of his life does not follow the same timeline as everyone else as he keeps jumping back and forth between timelines and time periods.

Here are some of the few things it is certain that he did at some point, in no discernable order:
— After witnessing the entire lifespan of the empire from foundation to fall, he went back in time to tell every single thing that happened to Zebulon, allowing him to claim he could predict the future and be seen as a god.
— He witnessed the slaughter of the coppered herons, which only Oberon survived. Since he knew all of them were phoenixes, birds that are able to come back to life if they get incinerated after they die, he took all of them with him to the same place at a different time, when it was burning in a forest fire, and threw them all into the fire.
— He wandered around the world at many places at once in search for coppered herons that might have come back to life, and gathered those he could find to lock them safe into a cave, deep under the Antarctic icecap. He made that place a bubble where time passed very slowly, allowing them to survive for as long as possible. One of them, a female, he brought directly to Oberon just to let him know some of his counterparts were still alive somewhere.