


10 months, 12 days ago


Alpha is a male hybrid heron (grey × great blue). He looks a lot like a grey heron but with the size of a great blue. He has deep blue eyes, the mark of a phoenix. He was born on the north American continent, where he was chased and persecuted for being a hybrid, kept away from his flock by his own father. He tried to take his own life many times but always failed. At the ninth attempt, he was rescued and brought all the way across the Atlantic, to the kingdom of Aviscours, in western Europe, of which he was sacred king.

In this place, he was able to find a mate and pair, but she died as the eggs were near hatching. In panic, he chose one of the four eggs to save and abandoned the others. From this egg hatched his son he named Omega, a letter of the Greek alphabet as per tradition in his dynasty. His negligence led him to lose his own son when he failed his first flight. After the mysterious disappearance of his former councillor, he offered this position to Bec-de-Gaz, as a reward for helping him retrieve Omega safe and sound, albeit weak and resentful.