


10 months, 5 days ago


Omega is a hybrid heron (grey × great blue), son of Alpha. He looks a lot like a great blue heron but with the size of a grey. He has deep blue eyes, the mark of a phoenix. He’s surprisingly skinny, to a point it’s visible under his plumage, and many wonder how he survives.

He hatched from the only egg Alpha was able to keep after his mate died. Little did both of them know, someone found the abandoned eggs, took one of them and raised the chick. Raised on his father’s back with a lot of negligence, he failed his first flight and got stuck in a thorn bush. A group of messengers rescued him and helped him survive, until Bec-de-Gaz convinced him to come back to his father, despite all the resent he felt towards him. A few years later, he was sacred emperor of all the birds, a position he was supposed to hold until the empire fell, except not everything happened as planned.

Instead of this, he was captured by the penguins after a staged battle, where he had to leave his newly found secret brother to die. His elder son, Sigma, self-proclaimed at his succession. He was found among the coppered herons hidden in the Antarctic icecap by Gideon, and joined Alpha again to rule the kingdom with him.