
11 months, 8 days ago


A member of the pack leadership.

Arrogant, cunning and cocky, Marcello cares greatly about his apperance. He likes to feel superior to others, and won't hesitate to talk down to anyone he views as lesser. He knows exactly who he can get away with treating poorly, and ensures no one from the pack leadership sees his abhorrent behaviour. This keeps his place in the pack secure.

He'll steal and cheat whenever he knows he can get away with it. He would take food away from a pup if the chance arose. He knows how to act in order to shift blame, and to be viewed as innocent and trustworthy.

He's very speedy, and great at hunting quick prey such as rabbits and hares. He's generally well liked among those in the pack who are unaware of his cruel and disloyal behaviour, but loathed among those he treats badly. He is praised for his hunting prowess and many fawn over his handsomeness.

Marcello is a saluki and German shepherd hybrid. Bodywise he takes after a Saluki, his shepherd side comes out more in his ears and fur colour.