Misaki Fujimoto



6 years, 12 days ago


Misaki Fujimoto, a bioengineer and chemist at the Umbrella facility in Raccoon City. She's responsible for helping with making the various viruses that spawned the many types of tyrants and horrid abominations, although her involvement was strictly in perfecting the chemcicals used for said viruses than injecting them into test subjects.

Her work had been stolen and place on a server of unidentifiable origin, which would cause her to be in some hot water from her superiors. However, the knowledge had not yet been discovered by Umbrella, with the thief demanding some sort of payment or else she would be exposed. With little to her leverage, she had to comply with the blackmail request. The only other person who knew about this ordeal was her assistant, Kim. Before any sort of exchangement could occur, the breakout happened. Misaki considered this a blessing and rushed into the labs where she could snatch the remainder of her work and flee the city.

During her escape, she ran into Yoshima, who was a nurse in the nearby Raccoon City Hospital. They were forced to cooperate to overcome certain obstacles and puzzles together as well as fend off the nightmarish monsters popping up in the city (thankfully the warning from her assistant was lifesaving and bought them enough time to scare off death). When Yoshima figured out that Misaki was a scientist from Umbrella, she held her at gunpoint and demanded she hand over a vaccine ASAP. Misaki (annoyed) explained that she couldn't make one until she got to her work which was still stashed away somewhere in one of the servers (or databases, whatever, she hates technical stuff).

In the end, she was able to escape the city before it got nuked. In tow with Yoshima and her little sister, they were in the custody of the US Forces, Misaki was immediately arrested on sight.