Yoshima "Yoyo" Yorkshire



7 years, 5 months ago


Yoshima Yorkshire, affectionately referred to as Yoyo, is a nurse at the Raccoon City Hospital taking care of her little sister, Maddie, who has mysteriously succumbed to an unknown illness. Her boss, Henry Witherbloom, had sent her out on a small errand to the basement to retrieve some medical files.

This small expedition proved to be an annoyance as Yoyo entered the basement and was locked out of the world above. The hospital went into a lockdown as an infected zombie entered the hospital, causing chaos and panic in the small building. It took Yoyo roughly two hours to get out of the basement through a series of godawful puzzles and navigating narrow passageways, she got back into the hospital and found it to be completely devastated with bodies of her former co-workers and zombies. Finding a pistol from one of the fallen cops outside, she went to look for her sister who she prayed was still alive.

She was able to find her sister who was holed up in the security room. Her state of wellbeing prevented her from having the energy to escape with Yoyo and was soon deteriorating from the stress. Yoyo vowed to keep her safe no matter what and let her stay in the safe room. She roamed around the hospital some more before running to her boss Henry yet again. He promised them safety and led both sisters to the roof where a helicopter awaited them. Unfortunately, he was shredded to pieces by one of the monsters that haunted the hospital and as a result, the helicopter also exploded, leaving the sisters stranded at the hospital.

The two took to the streets, where Yoyo encountered a woman by the name of Misaki. They worked together through the city and helped each other out when the moment called for it. After discovering evidence of her involvement with Umbrella, she held her at gunpoint and demanded a cure for her little sister. Misaki countered, saying she couldn't create one without her work which was stored elsewhere. So she helped her get it and soon developed a serum for Maddie.

In the end, she escaped Raccoon City before it got totally annihilated. She was soon in the custody of US Forces, although her sister was pried away from her for testing and she fought against several soldiers to get back to her.