Näcken Majalis



9 months, 10 days ago


Näcken Majalis

NAME Näcken Majalis
ALIAS The monster of the swamp
AGE ???
RACE Painted Satyr
OCCUPATION Witch, potion brewer

Näcken is a satyr accustomed to loneliness and very resilient, while he's not the friendliest of fellows he's not entirely asocial and can be pleasant when he trust someone. He prides himself in his craft and it doesn't bother him that others call him a witch despectively, because they are just stating a fact, he is, indeed, a witch. He is very decisive and when he sets a goal he doesn't stop until he achieves it.

While he's happy with his lot, nothing good has come from him living in the civilized world, he yearns for something more, a break in the monotony of his life, maybe it is time to travel for a bit, find some new plants for his potion experiments.


Driven • Resilient • Trsutworthy


Analitical • Asocial • Ambitious


Moody • Resentful • Patronizing



A tall satyr that tends to slouch a lot.



Always hidding one eye. Has vines on his head and flowers always on his chest and sometimes on his limbs.

Scars & Marks

He's missing one wing and has some holes in the other one's membrane.




Usually seen in confortable clothes, and sometimes he dons a scale shawl?. his witch hat is made of water so it drips.

HEIGHT Very tall
WEIGHT Average
BODY SHAPE Pear shaped
BUILD Endomorphn
AESTHETIC Swamp witch and Kelpie
  • The flowers counter the smell of swamp water on him.
  • His hidden eye changed when he saw the void, permits him to see things related to the void that others can't.
  • The patch in his chest is shaped as a heart and symbolizes him opening his heart to Hiraeth.
  • Ut a diam eget libero iaculis ultrices. Pellentesque posuere efficitur felis ut commodo.
  • Vestibulum ac egestas ligula. Vestibulum quis enim suscipit, pellentesque neque eget, volutpat diam.
  • Vivamus ultrices orci id sem pulvinar, ut aliquam erat venenatis. Aenean accumsan mi ut felis accumsan, vitae mattis velit feugiat.


"I'm happier doing my own thing on my own."
  • Experimenting
  • Swimming
  • Solitude
  • Plants
"I guess this is not so bad after all."
  • Adventuring
  • Sewing
  • Reading
  • Stars
"You are annoying, this is annoying me."
  • Noisy people
  • Humid heat
  • People without backbone
  • Insects
"I despise this, get away from me."
  • Greed
  • His parents
  • THAT asshole
  • Fireworks

"Being alone doesn't mean you are lonely."


Little is known about Näcken's childhood, just the fact that it was miserable,that he hates his parents and that he lost one of his wings then. As soons as he could he moved out of his parents house and joined the first school that took him, there he discovered his passion for potions and his aspect magic, he learned tto dominate his water power and to create illusions to protect himself and deceive others, that he now uses to protect his home. While he enjoyed his studies in the academy, his relationships with other classmates weren't good, they either were jelous of his quick progress or they were dismissive. After he finished his studies he tried having a potioneering shop, but whenever he went the villagers were wary of him and his potions, the part of the Celestial Seas he lived in is not known for having many magic user and they tend to be feared by the common people, his appareance didn't help the accusations of cursing witches usually got. After he was attacked in one village and got his eye scar and lost part of his tail, he retreated from civilization and set up in the swamp, detterring trespassers with his illusions.

Time aspect awakening

Näcken first awakened his time aspect when, during one misssion while acompanying Hiraeth, difficulties ocurred and some beast from the void appeared where they shouldn't be, to save the innocent villagers caught in the middle Hiraeth incurred mortal wounds. It was then, in a moment of desperation, that he awakened his time powers and by instinct managed to turn back time on them, causing him to faint from the amount of power it required.

When he woke up he discovered a new patch had appeared in his chest and delicate orange blossoms had flowered./p>


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut orci tellus. Vestibulum consectetur mauris ac massa consectetur tincidunt. Praesent vehicula mi non diam porttitor, in feugiat urna consectetur. Aenean interdum risus ut vestibulum congue. Sed condimentum diam erat, sit amet consectetur nisi lacinia sit amet. Suspendisse ultrices malesuada faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas nisl felis, convallis sit amet ante eget, suscipit lacinia est. Nullam bibendum congue est ac ullamcorper.

Cras lacus nibh, egestas eget mauris facilisis, pulvinar viverra dui. Duis volutpat nulla sit amet sem semper sagittis. Fusce ac purus id leo suscipit cursus. Nam a semper magna. Morbi quis neque odio. Integer tristique fermentum diam eget tincidunt. Nunc condimentum massa a vestibulum dapibus. Proin volutpat quis arcu nec lobortis.

[chilhood frenemies to ????]

Näcken and Hiraeth's relationship is complicated, they trust each other implicitly and they know things about each other that no one else knows, but they have different views of the world that make them clash. They annoy each other, but they care deeply about the other.


Integer nec tellus sapien. Nullam accumsan mollis cursus. Pellentesque sollicitudin, urna vel imperdiet fringilla, mauris lorem dapibus sem, ut fringilla turpis sem in tellus. Sed eu finibus elit, quis varius odio. Donec id tortor laoreet, eleifend augue consectetur, lobortis odio. Aenean non maximus risus, sed sodales lorem. Sed bibendum, dolor ut lacinia bibendum, purus erat gravida metus, sed suscipit nisl dolor vitae tortor. In posuere et nisl eu viverra.


Vestibulum quam libero, cursus vitae efficitur et, pretium vitae erat. Nulla maximus, eros at laoreet tristique, ipsum neque condimentum nisl, sed tristique purus ex non libero.