Lucio Serqet-Joelle



8 months, 30 days ago


Name Lucio Serqet-Joelle

Called Little Man, Lucy, The Blight

Age 1 years old

D.o.B. April 17th

Gender Demiboy

Pronouns He/They

Height 1'04"/0.4 m

Build Smol

Race Gligar/Scizor

Role Baby Boy

Demeanor Jolly

Alignment Chaotic Good

Tarot Magician Arcana

Zodiac Aries


HTML Pinky

Outgoing • Extroverted • Smart • Violent

You would think Lucio would be a shy, reserved young bat, given the things he experienced during the first few months of his life. However, thanks to Sofia, that never happened. Lucio is extroverted, outgoing young man that easily warms the hearts of those he meets regardless on if they're legendary or not. When he isn't busy breakdancing or drawing whatever his heart desires, he's busy clinging to his mama or chilling in the safety of his pokeball. Lucio tries his best to listen to to his mother whenever she tells him something important and will do whatever it takes to make her happy. Despite being a toddler, Lucio is surprisingly smart (something that he may have inherited from his mother) and can be seen as being a bit of a prodigy of some sort when it comes to fighting. He also has a violent streak that is mostly concentrated in lashing out at anyone who hurt his family (or whenever anyone were to ruin the things that he made).








Lucio's life wasn't all sunshine and roses. In fact, the first few months of his life was spent under living terror and pain. For the first few months of his life, Lucio was raised in a lab under the watchful eye of the scientists (who would later be revealed to be connected to a group known as "Ouroburos") that his parents (Gliscor and Scizor) were bred by. He was apart of a experiment to make a hybrid Pokémon with the ability to mega evolve due to having the blood of a Pokemon that can as if it was assumed Gligar line had not such ability. It was something that the scientists would be successful at, though they would never see the fruits of their labor as they would be eliminated by Oliver Kane and Sofía Serqet. The latter of the two would take in Lucio as well as Lilith (the temporary guardian of Lucio that was a Hisuian Zorua/Midnight Lycanroc) as her own. It would take time before Lucio's true color would blossom, and the cheery young boy would appear as the love from his new family would allow the boy to feel safe. He would get a chance to understand that his biological mother died at the lab or his biological father (Chom) was not aware of his existence until later on. There was a brief period where the young man would slip into the secret identity of "The Blight": a executioner with the purpose of cleaning the region of Kalos of criminals and take their souls to feed his once comatose mother when she would eventually wake up. It's ok! That was stopped when Sofia would wake up, and the young boy would go back to his innocent self..somewhat-!

  • Designing Lucio took a bit of trial and errors since I wanted to make his Gligar half a bit more prominent.
  • Lucio's right eye has Toxic Orb infused into it. It's often why he wears eyepatches to prevent the occasional fluids from running down his eye.
  • I am legally not allowed to hurt Lucio through other characters as Lucio has reached a point where his mother would annihilate anyone who does.
  • I used Lucio's design as a bit of a base to work out how I wanted to design Sofia's next child: Mio!
  • Lucio is one of my favorite child characters to write.
  • Lucio has the tendency to bite most things he like out of affection.

Sofia SerqetMama
"This is my mama! She's the best! She's strong! Cool! She gives me hugs! I love her! If you hurt mama, I will rip your soul out of your body."


Bella JoelleMama 2
"This is my mama...2! She's so tall and does the changing thingys! She makes mama really happy! If you hurt her, I will destroy you."


Mio Serqet-JoelleBaby Sister
"This is Mio! She's my sissy, and I love her! As her big brother, I demand that you give her cool stuff and hugs. If you hurt her, I will rip out your throat."


ScorchMama's Friend
"This is mister badger! Mister Badger is mama's friend, and I think he's neat! He does the healy thingy and mama likes him!"


Amy Beatrice Akuro-ScottGrandma
"That's my granny! I love my grangran! She's so cool and epic! She gives hugs and lets me crawl over her! She has some books I like looking at!


Sebastian JoelleUncle
"This is my horsey uncly! Uncly Seb is soooo talllllll and shows me all of his pretty flowers! He lets me help him with them. He let me pet his horns >:3"


Aiden “Thorn” Storm-JoelleUncle
"This is my doggy uncly! He gives me things to punch when I'm mad and his tails are soft. :D Uncle Aiai is so cool....he's like Naruto..I like Naruto..."


Genesis JoelleUncle (technically?)
"This is my new uncle...I don't know much about him..but he reminds me of mama...but he seems sad...I wanna make him happy."