


10 months, 19 days ago


Prev. Name
Rime, Rimeash
StarClan (formerly CicadaClan)
none (formerly Leader)
Adventure - Hyper Potions & Subtact

        Rimestar is a spirit of StarClan and the renowned 2nd leader of CicadaClan. They have 2 scarred legs and lost their tail, which causes them a lot of phantom pain. They're mates with Fluffcrackle.

        They were given a blessing by StarClan to survive certain death, which they passed on to their son, Alderspeck.


        Rimestar is adventurous, clever, and a learner of lore. They're quick-witted and charismatic. Since they always give their all, they can sometimes go too far. They're stubborn and fearless but grew into a pragmatic problem-solver in their old age. They're secretly self-conscious about their stumpy tail.

        Besides Fluffcrackle, they harbored feelings for Ghosttree, Birdlarch, and Rowanhoney. They never recovered enough from Fluffcrackle's death to confess to anyone else.


        Rimestar was found as a kit by a wandering group of cats who would soon become CicadaClan. Rimepaw was mentored by the clan's founder, Redstar. During those early days, the clan went through tough times and struggled to find food in the cold Leaf-bare. Rimepaw ate deathberries out of hunger, but they were able to survive due to unknowingly being blessed by StarClan. They lost their tail from a falling tree and got their legs scarred by dogs.

        Rimeash became a warrior, mentored Ghostpaw, and became deputy at a young age. When Redstar died, they ascended to leadership. They confessed their love for and became mates with Fluffcrackle. Together, they adopted 2 litters of kits; their family only continued to grow, and Rimestar was celebrated as the Leader of Prosperity for bringing CicadaClan into a plentiful era.

        After Fluffcrackle's untimely death, Rimestar began to become more jaded. They mentored Bluejaw and one of their own sons, Alderpaw. Alderpaw was often injured and lagged behind his siblings in terms of training. They tried to train him but accidentally scarred his face during a mock battle. They've always been harder on him than his siblings due to the potential they saw in him; despite treating him harshly, they appointed him deputy.

        They lost a life to a lightning strike and eventually lost their last lives by getting mauled by dogs. They're still remembered as the first great leader CicadaClan ever had and the beloved ancestor of much of the clan. Their flaws have been forgotten in time.