


6 years, 5 days ago



Name Karasu
Age Too lazy too count years (old)
Build Slender // 1,72m
Species Crow-Demon
Gender Male
OrIent. Gay
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation ???
relationship status Taken
Worth ???
Design Notes

  • His eyes are red, have slitted pupils and glow in the dark
  • The wings have a bit of a blueish sheen (doesn‘t have to be drawn necessarily) 
  • His fingers and his legs have a black gradient/can be drawn with scales
  • Most times he grins slightly intimidating or mischievous, showing sharp teeth
  • He never really wears clothes, but to keep it sfw the feathers around his hips can be drawn over his crotch as well

Karasu is generally a very lazy demon with a great sense of very black humor and a sharp tongue. He banters with Pica on a daily basis and gets often annoyed at him, but still likes his presence very much. On occasion he takes the lead and he is capable of a great many things - as long as he wants to do something he can get it done. He can get pretty whiny when hurt or exhausted and generally complains about all kinds of things.
True affection isn‘t something he shows often, but seeing how he and Pica are pretty much inseperable his feelings for him are pretty obvious. He can get protective of the people he cares for and will fight if it has to be. 


  • He has pretty strong illusion magic and can do weaker elemental spells
  • He also is pretty good with daggers 
  • His bones are hollow like a birds and break pretty easily
  • His regeneration-rate is way higher than a humans
  • His original form is a crow and he can still change into it - the only thing different from a regular crow are the shiny red eyes
  • He still eats what a crow would eat - meaning he eats corpses. Mostly animals, but he won‘t say no to humans
  • He hates clothes after he had an unfortunate accident with a clothesline

Once no more than a regular crow feasting on the corpses of warriors, he ate too much demon meat and finally turned into one himself. He met Pica while wandering a battlefield looking for food. They hit it off pretty soon, but mostly just drank together when they met, took a room for the night and went their own ways after that. Sometimes they didn't see each other for years, but they found each other again and again...until they decided to just stay together. They found a nice cave high up in the mountains and lived there ever since. At some point they stumbled upon baby Uther and took him in even though they really aren‘t parent-material...now how will this end?


  • Flying
  • Playing Pranks
  • Annoying people
  • Pica and Uther

  • Being hurt
  • Clothes
  • Pica or Uther being hurt
  • That Pica sometimes likes shiny stuff more than himself (yes, he‘s jealous)
  • Boring stuff
  • Doing stuff he doesn‘t want to do

Pica | Partner for Life

Karasu has never confirmed to Pica that he loves him, but it‘s pretty obvious he does. They live together, sleep in the same bed and sometimes act like an old married couple...

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Uther | Child (Adopted)

Karasu and Pica found baby Uther in the ruins of a destroyed church and he was so adorable that they couldn‘t really leave him...especially after he sucked both of their energy dry. So they just took him in and never got to search for better caretakers