


10 months, 26 days ago


name || The Dragon-Key of Delphi

age || ~50 years old

gender || eh. she/any

species || azhdarchid pterosaur

source material || original

status in canon || alive

summary || Pterosaur shaped guardian of a mystical, prophetic island, often found doing anything but her job.

notes ||

—> ‘Key of Delphi’ is a job title, and one that the current Key often shirks.

—> Delphi is very chatty. She likes to exchange stories of travel and discovery. She’s done her own fair share of wandering, but plenty of her stories are embellished or fully made up. She’s friendly, but impersonal. She doesn’t seem particularly moved by anything. She’s indifferent to troubles and woes that don’t make a compelling story, and doesn’t bother in pretending at sympathy.

—> the isle of DELPHI has wards in place to hide it from all but those it takes into its fold, but breeches of these safeguards are not unheard of. The Key’s role is to act as a warden of the land, and to guide  seekers to it. But the Key frequently abandons her post to travel the world and explore, leaving seekers with no choice but to embark on a treacherous journey alone if they wish to find DELPHI.

—> Delphi the key was not always such. Once, she was a person. She had an identity beyond her role, but she remembers little now. She sheds  more of herself with each passing year, her personhood taken from her.  But she was a seeker once, and found DELPHI through her own  means, unguided. She thinks she’s always been one for seeking; mysteries, myths, new discoveries, all things she feels a draw towards.

—> Delphi neither despises nor reveres DELPHI, acting as though it is nothing more than a bothersome boss. She is disinterested in its plights.

—> DELPHI can see the world through its Key, sharing a special  link with her. It keeps mentally @ -ing her to come back and deal with things, but she does not check the messages as she is busy doing hot girl shit ✌️. It also wants her to find and drag back its favourite oracle who ‘went astray’ and abandon it. It has sent out the call to return, but this oracle does not respond to it and it doesn’t understand why. Delphi is in no rush to fulfill this request, though she has her  own complicated feelings about this wayward oracle; they were supposed to be the Key. Not her. 

design notes ||
-> Delphi is giant. she’s something like a hatzegopteryx, about 18 meters tall

-> her design is especially variable, she seems to be a little  different every time you see her. She might have horns, or a  longer tail, or a different crest, or new markings. Her colours usually  stay about the same. Her wings alter light like stained glass.

-> can also be drawn as a tiny little rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur like dimorphodon. colours remain similar.