Delphi (the Isle of DELPHI)



10 months, 28 days ago


name || the Isle of DELPHI

age || several hundred years old

gender || none, it/its

species || location & vessels

source material || original

status in canon || alive

summary ||  Prophecy granted through a cacophony of a thousand voices. An island and the plants rooted and the insects and the magic threaded through, woven into a hivemind entity. Tended to and interpreted by human oracles.

notes ||

—> DELPHI is an island. It is every tree, every stone, every  blade of grass, all  the insects within. On a quiet day, it whispers through its many  vessels, though not for the benefit of the human oracles, as little usable information can be gleaned from it in this  state. No, prophecies meant for mortal ears are a crescendo, the swarms  of thousands of  insects whipped up into a frenzy in agitation or  excitement. It’s  practically enough to drive a person mad. It often  does, though DELPHI’s appointed oracles are more suited than most to withstand the onslaught of information. Still, no oracle leaves DELPHI unchanged.

—> There are no other wildlife native to DELPHI, only the bugs. And the bugs are not independent beings, they are all DELPHI. It seems to favour mayflies as vessels, though there’s some variety in all the insects it exists in.

—> It has good intentions, but DELPHI does not understand  mortals. It has never been human, but it acts out  of a love for humanity. It is a gift from its departed creator to the world, and it loves what it does not understand. It gets very excited about helping, and its eagerness can destroy those unprepared for a mind-tearing dump  of information shouted through a thousand voices,  speaking out of sync.  Oracles are a middleman between DELPHI and those seeking its guidance. The more oracles that are present, the better the chance they have at withstanding the whole of DELPHI.

—> DELPHI has wards in place to hide it from all but those it takes into its  fold, but breeches of these safeguards are not unheard of. The Key’s role is to act as a warden of the land, and to guide  seekers to it. But  the Key frequently abandons her post to travel the world and explore, leaving seekers with no choice but to embark on a treacherous journey alone if they wish to find DELPHI.

—> DELPHI can see the world through its Key, sharing a special link with her. It keeps mentally @ -ing her to come back and deal with  things, but she does not check the messages as she is busy doing hot  girl shit ✌️. It also wants her to find and drag back its favourite  oracle who ‘went  astray’ and abandon it. It has sent out the call to return, but this oracle does not respond to it and it doesn’t understand why.