[S] Sundropsight



10 months, 18 days ago


"If I make it pretty enough, will you stay? "


Upbeat : On a surface level sundrop is a cheerful and enthusiastic individual, it’s not easy to bring down his happy and cheery mood even in the worst of situations.

Energetic : Bright, bouncy, and excitable are all words used to describe sundrop. He’s always bounding around camp playing games with the kits with a seemingly endless supply of energy.

Bubbly: Sundrop can be rather animated with his expressions and tone of voice, almost as though putting on a show at times. His lively and bouncy attitude really does make him seem rather spirited.

Tolerant : Even with his boundless energy and loud personality, Sundrop is oddly relaxing and soothing to be around. Patient and understanding, it’s extremely rare to see Sundrop upset or angry.


Whimsical : Whilst Sundrop can be playful and excitable he can also be rather impulsive and mischievous. He has a good sense of humour but oftentimes will start rambling about anything and nothing at the same time.

Firm : Sundrop leads with clear boundaries and expectations, especially of those under his care, he won’t stand for rule breakers or arguments. However, he quickly puts his paw down and Sundrop is always willing to listen to all parties and find a fair resolution for everyone involved.

Nurturing: Sundrop loves to take care of those younger than himself, offering lots of encouragement and care for those he’s around Sundrop likes to promote a welcoming space that allows those around him to grow. Sometimes however he can come across as a little patronising.

Observant : Despite his seemingly random and thoughtless ramblings and actions, Sundrop is extremely observant of those around him. Even whilst he's rambling on about the clouds or the birds, he's watching, listening and taking in everything around him. Keen eyes take in all information and analyses it even if he’s talking about something entirely different.


Aloof : When he’s not watching the kits or cleaning the nursery Sundrop tends to become a little distant and detached from the world. It isn’t uncommon to look up and see him staring off into space, assumingly daydreaming, as if he is waiting for something to happen.

Perplexing : There seems to be no clear pattern to Sundrop’s random and sporadic bursts of energy, or to his conversations, but that is his intention. Sundrop sets out to be a confusing and puzzling cat and does it well, whilst not many truly get to understand him, he gets to understand them by being this way. Carefully crafting his words and statements Sundrop sets out to create an unclear, and somewhat secretive boundary between himself and his clanmates.

Unhinged : unbalanced, random, Although extremely slow to anger when Sundrop’s temper can snap very suddenly, although there are little tells, these are few and far between and easy to miss. Sundrop will often use both his words and physical strength to upset or harm another with little remorse or thought. Often described as going into a blind rage, Sundrop has thankfully calmed down since moving into the nursery full time

Distrustful: Sundrop has a hard time believing or trusting other cats in his clan, always searching for their ulterior motive, he is known for creating awkward situations with his random ramblings. What might seem Perplexing to his clan mates is actually Sundrop observing them and their reactions.


Prefix meaning
For his fur colour, named after the sundrop flowers
Suffix meaning
For their insight and obervational skills
Previous names
sundropkit, sundroppaw
sun, sunny, sundrop

Marsh Clan
Past Clans
Hail Clan
Care taker
Past ranks
kit, Apprentice, warrior, Queen

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
Flowerpaw > npc > deceased
30+ moons
he/him - They/them - ae/aer - fae/faer - Xe/Xem - Ve/Ver


Appearance > Sundropsight is a tall, skinny, scruffy fured ginger cat with a long, thin body and legs. He has unkept fur that grows spuradically in different directions and lengths with 6 toes on his front paws and 5 on his back ones.
Build > Oddly long and slender with large paws
Fur > Soft but scruffy, varying in lengths

Scent > Marigold and Valerian with hints of Milk and lavender.
Voice > xxx


Breeds: Moggy

Height: 35CM
Weight: 11.7 ibs


Scars >
Accessories >
Bans >
Other items used > Clan Switch


His clan mates
The sun
taking care of others


the dark
cold weather


Loosely based off of sun [fnaf], hinata [hq!] and Minato [naruto]
He has 22 toes. 6 on each front paw and 5 on each back paw.
He was originally going to be a chocolate and ginger calico .
He'll often stare off into space when daydreaming
Sundrop will often clean the spaces around him but never his own nest.



  • Agility [6/10]
  • Stealth [7/10]
  • Speed [8/10]
  • Strength [9/10]
  • Endurance [6/10]
  • Climbing [5/10]
  • Swimming [3/10]


  • Sight [10/10]
  • Scent [5/10]
  • Hearing [6/10]
  • Taste [4/10]
  • Touch [4/10]


  • Den Building [7/10]
  • Battle tactics [9/10]
  • Hunting tactics [8/10]
  • Kitting [7/10]
  • Herbal [0/10]
  • Games [6/10]
  • Sign Language [5/10]


>> Skystorm > dilute torbie she-cat > NPC > Deceased
>> Bluebellwisp > mottled ginger tom > NPC deceased


Duskshine > older brother > A dark brown tabby tom with rinch orange udnertones.> NPC > Deceased
Daturacloud > Brother > A black and white colour point tom with long, sily fur > @/voidllost > Alive


>> Name > Description > User


>> Potatopaw > patchy brown small and round she-cat with an underbite > User
>> Frogpaw > a brown and white she-cat > User
>> Patchpaw > a black and peach tortoiseshell with flecked white > User

>> Robinkit > A ginger and brown caliby > User
>> Gourdkit > Ginger mink point with white > User


>> Name > Description > User


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
Looking for
flings, crushes, long term partners
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • Bright, colourful fur
  • Calm, understanding personalities
  • Accepting of his family


  • Messy, unclean, scruffy fur
  • aggressive, hot-headed, moody
  • not wanting kits


(Edit and add headers as needed)

Kithood [0-6 moons] >

Sundropkit had a very average kithood, or so he thought anyway. His parents died when he was pretty young from sickness, around the age of two moons, and since then he and his brother was looked after by the caretakers of Hail clan. Duskshine, their older brother, watched over them too. Sundrop was rather fond of his older brother, but saddened at the fact he didn’t spend much time with them. Duskshine claimed in just another moon and a half he’d take care of them. He promised it! Duskshine just had to finish training his apprentice, and then they could all be a happy family. Sundropkit quite looked forward to the day… Only it would never happen.

Sundropkit was quite a pawful at times, excitable and boisterous it was hard to keep him inside the den most of the time. Sundropkit’s adventurous and bouncy nature was often subdued by small trips outside of the camp, though at 4 moons old these trips stopped happening, and for good reason.

Whilst outside the camp, playing with Daturakit, under the watchful eyes of Duskshine, his apprentice and another warrior something rather misfortune happened. A bear had woken early from its hibernation and stumbled upon the small group of cats. Perhaps it would have just walked past is Duskshine hadn’t growled at it… but whatever could have caused it’s sudden anger couldn’t be changed. As the older warrior shouted at them all to run, Sundropkit lost sight of his family.

Scooped up by the soon to be warrior, Sundropkit was returned safely to the clan camp, shortly after the senior warrior would return with Daturakit. For a little while Sundrop assumed his brother was just slower, he’d be back soon. As the sun set for a second day, search parties were unable to find Duskshine, but confirming the bear had moved off now, it settled in. Duskshine was gone.

He only had his brother now. Thankfully, due to the caretakers of Hail clan, the siblings remained well looked after. Their needs met, and there was always someone warm to curl up with at least. In truth, not having parents didn’t bother the small kit and Sundropkit never felt different for it, he knew he was a loved member of his clan, if by no one but his brother, it was at least someone.

As he grew into a fine, young apprentice, Sundropkit decided he really enjoyed his time with the caretakers, and maybe one day, when he was older. He’d become one too and help look after kits just like him and Datura!

Adolescence [6-12 moons] >

At the beginning of his apprenticeship Sundroppaw’s mentor, Houndsnarl, was a little distant and cautious towards the young warrior in training. Sundroppaw didn’t really mind however, after all as long as Houndsnarl was going to teach ae how to be a good warrior, and protect his clan, what did it matter ?

Houndsnarl was both supportive and honest, things Sundroppaw respected and appreciated. Sundrop was not new to loss and could see how it changed fae’s clanmates, and whilst he didn’t say anything, they knew it was the reason for Houndsnarls distance.

Sundrop found early on he didn’t really enjoy battle training. Whilst he participated in these lessons, his enthusiasm was lacking, it wasn’t long before he requested they work on his hunting more. Being able to feed the clan more successfully was better than being poor at both hunting and battle.

Although Houndsnarl would remind Sundroppaw how important it was to balance both, for a little while at least, they did seem to do more hunting than battle. There was no denying that this small change had made Sundroppaw’s confidence grow.

The distance was something that grew smaller with time, and before the end of his apprenticeship Sundroppaw knew that Houndsnarl was a cat he could depend on and trust. If anything the other had become like an honorary parent to them. All in all his apprenticeship seemed to go well with only a few minor hiccups.

At least it had until the night of the full moon gathering. Whilst these happened every moon this one would be one he wouldn’t forget. Sleeping soundly in the apprentice den, the moon's light illuminating the outside, Sundroppaw was awoken by a tall shadow blocking the light. Assuming it to be a warrior he knew, he raised his head sleepily only moments later shrieks would tear though the camp that they were being attacked.

At that very moment Sundroppaw knew he was not safe, no one in that den was. Stumbling to his paws, he hoped his size would deter them a little, if nothing else he might make them think they’d not found the apprentice den. Did they even know what an apprentice was? Unknown scents on their fur, Sundroppaw had little time to react, failing to notice his brother sneaking up around the side of the den, suddenly charging at the intruder.

By the time he’d gotten to the door he could no longer see Daturapaw, fear making his blood run cold. Features twisted into a sneer as blood dripped from it’s mouth… had they killed Daturapaw? There was no way…

Everything in his body told him to scream for his mentor, that houndsnarl would come and save him… As he searched for his brother another cat would creep behind the vibrant coloured tom. Thankfully it seemed as though even his denmates would have his back in times of need as Dapplepaw would see this and attack the intruder without thought.

Sundroppaw whirled around in time for her claws to slice through the cat's fur and send them packing. Turning to thank her, he’d be silenced by his brother slamming into him. Curling into the dense coat of his brother, relief flooded him.

As the fight seemed to tip in the favour of the clan, and many of the cats left, the apprentices would start to talk amongst themselves. Sheeppaw, Dapplepaw’s brother, would also join the conversation and if Sundroppaw had to say, he thought he’d made at least one good friend that night.

As gathering cats returned home to their sore and beaten clan mates, they too had suffered the same beaten fate. A deer had rampaged and ravaged the gathering area leaving so many injured from all clans.

After that Sundroppaw request he and Houndsnarl spent more time balancing out their training, whilst previously Sundroppaw had wanted to be the clans best hunter, he could now understand houndsnarl’s point of needing both.

For the remainder of his apprenticeship, it was peaceful. The clan cheered Salmonstar as he stepped down from leadership and welcomed Ticketstar and Moosecrash as new leader and deputy. Ticketstar announced her own kits, a welcome change from all the death and destruction as Sundroppaw and Houndsnarl tackled training head on.

By the time of his warrior ceremony Sundroppaw had become a formidable fighter and hunter, but it would be his observation and sharp eyes that gained him the suffix ‘Sight’. Proud, Sundrop would look over at Houndsnarl with joy, thankful they had been his mentor.

warriorhood [12 - 16] >

Excited to finally be a warrior Sundropsight wouldn't remain one for long, spending 4 moons freely exploring the territory with his lazy brother, Sundrop was ecstatic when he was choosen to mentor Flowerpaw. The young she-cat had been rather nervous and skittish at first, but came out of her shell quickly. Sundropsight devoted all of his time to his apprentice, day or night if there was something she needed or wanted to know, he would be there to answer. Wanting to do his clan proud by raising up his apprentice to be just as passionate about her clan mates as he was, her loss hit him hard.

Although he trained her for only a singular moon when the clan was attacked again and her life ripped from them, Sundropsight couldn't help but feel responsible for it. If only he'd been faster, better, or paying more attention he could have saved her. His thoughts turned back to those of the nursery, his younger self wish to take care of the clan like they had him... He made his choice..

care taker [16 - present moons] >

After the attack on the camp, in which 3 kits where taken away, alongside his general love for kits and the loss of his apprentice, Sundropsight made the choice to move into the nursery full time. Here he would always have something to do, and he couldn't fail to protect them like his apprentice as there were other cats around to support each other. Sundropsight has really started to bounce back since the change and feels as though the nursery is better protected with himself and his brother guarding it..

Shortly after moving into the nursery the clan would band together with the others to form three groups, one group was too search the territories for information about the empire, although Foxfire couldn't help but feel as though they were mostly to ensure any empire patrols were occupied from the second group. This group was to infiltrate the empire and save the kits whilst the empire's leader was busy at a truce meeting. In the end only one fight broke out and the missing kits were returned safely to hail clan without much fuss.

five kits would become apprentencies, Ruddykit, Skunkkit, Batkit, Mallardkit and Peregrinekit. For the short time he'd known them Sundropsight knew them to be quite lively youngsters and wished them well in their training, but wondered if Peregrinepaw was truly ready after only just retruning from the empire. This good luck wishes didn't last long as Skunkpaw would run off whilst on patrol only to be found dead later on. Avocetflame would birth their three kits, Honeykit, Tulipkit, and Lupinekit; to which Sundropsight did all he could to be helpful to the new mother.

In a whirl of goodnew barmblechip would become hail clan's new herbalist and Ospreykit and Canarykit would finally join their siblings in their training. Yet with the same good came bad, fawnpatch would pass away peacefully. Assumed to be from a lump in his chest, many were saddened by the loss and Sundrop knew the clan would need to take time to mourn. Goatstride would fall ill and die of an unknown illness, this in itself caused unsettled feelings to rise in Sundropsight. How could someone die from a sickness they didn't know? If they didn't know it how could they heal others from it?

his worries where offset by one of his closest friends having given birth to kits. Mosswater was a small and friendly tom, his mate was less so, but that didn't make their kits any less adorable. Murkykit, Hollowkit, Hazekit, and Frogkit certainly got a little extra attention from Sundropsight when they wanted it, the small blind balls seemed to have captivated his heart. Whislst he was caught up in the nursery with the new families and kits, the clan decided to allow Yearling of the Dusk Grove return to the empire, it left a bitter taste in Sundrop's mouth. Whilst he didn't fundementally disagree with letting Yearling go, he felt they knew far too much about Hail clan's camp and way of life now just to allow them to leave without some form of truce.

his sulking over the idea shifted quickly into cheering for Pearpaw as Bramblechip decided to train them as an herbalist. It was good that the clan was reinforcing their upper ranks and even better that they would soon have more than just the one herbalist.

One day things changed for the odd ginger, with the unknown and uncertainty slowly eating away at Sundropsight, they and Daturacloud would go for a walk to clear ve's head. On this walk they would smell marshclanners around hopebridge, curious Sundropsight would insist they checked it out. Upon entering the shared land they would meet Seaotter and Timberbear, two Marshclan brothers not unlike themselves. Unbothered about their reason for being there, Sundrop struck up conversation with the duo making fast friends with Seaotter.

At the time Daturacloud and Timberbear seemed more reluctant and against the ideas of being friends, but he assumed they bonded over this apprehension. Unfortunately the night was not in fact long when spent excitedly making new friends and the idea of meeting up every so often was proposed.

needing little encouragement sundropsight would chew daturacloud's ear off about their new found friends on the way back to their clan. It would be another brave cat's actions that would later shape their relationship with the marsh clan cats. Pearldusk would leave their birth clan of Ember to join Hail, at the time it seemed unimportant but as the moons passed by and four cats continued to meet, he found himself wanting to spend more time with Seaotter.

Pearldusk's change of clans inspired the idea, the thought he could move to be with Seaotter. And after speaking to Datura about it, he put the idea out there for Seaotter and Timberbear.

Vireoblossom would become a caretaker in Hail, only further encouraging Sundropsight's wishes to follow Seaotter to his home. Whilst he loved his friends in Hailclan, he liked Seaotter far more. So they made up their mind.

The move was daunting, frightening and yet exciting. If they walked into Marshclan and was refused, then it was over. They could no longer meet with Timberbear and Seaotter. They couldn't walk back to hail clan either, that felt wrong and so with bated breath they explained to waspstar. He wasn't there for refuge or for escape, he was there because he loved a cat that was not of his clan. He apologised deeply for intruding on the clans territory without invite and for asking such a request. It was relief when Waspstar said they could stay.

overcome with the excitement Sundropsight tackled Seaotter in sheer joy, he'd have done any job required of him to stay, but further surprise would come at the mentions of being able to return to the clan's nursery as a caretaker. Overcome with emotion Sundropsight would curl up and cry from relief of his new home. Here with Seaotter he cared little for the odd stare and judgement the cats of marshclan. He understood but he had his brother and so things would be just fine.

Whilst on patrol a group of cats had been found attacking a rogue known by the name of Bellflower, the patrol would bring her back and she was given refuge whilst she recovered. Sundropsight didn't like Bellflower very much, keeping his distace from her, but her arival seemed to take the scornful looks away from himself and his brother. Bellflower would eventually be allowed to join the clan taking on the name of Bellflowersnow, Sundropsight remained on edge, watching her with caution. He said nothing, but disliked her being near the kits and the nursery.

Dandelionkit would be taken to the herbalist den after concerns about the kit arose, Sundropsight had little time to worry himself over the kit as Cloudclan showed up at marshclan's door. Or well at least a group of them did. They came with horrifying tales of the empire attacking them, pushing them out of their dens and nests and chasing them from their homes. Kits, elders, the sick and injured all of them given only once chance to leave. If they stayed, they died.

it was a horrible tale, one Sundropsight did not wish to ever experience first hand, and so of corse they where allowed to stay. Marshclan would continue to search the tunnels for other survivers and as things started to seem hopeless more cats where found. It took a moon of searching but two group where located in the tunnels and brought to marashclan. They were given herbal care and food and a place to sleep which seemed to be all some of them needed then.

Dandelionkit would be released from the herbalist den shortly after cloud clans arrival and this time, it seemed they were good to stay. Butterflypaw would also finish her training becoming butterflydawn and leaving the clan with another fully trained herbalist. Yet the Dandelionkit was rushed back to the herbalist den when his condition took a sudden turn again! 🌿

In his time since joining Marshclan, Sundropsight has felt more than a little estranged from his new clan mates than welcomed. Sure he wasn’t exactly popular in ve's old clan, and he hadn't expected to be welcomed with open paws,but this felt different. Whilst they enjoy spending time with their previously made friends, he can’t help but feel others keep looking over their shoulders at her waiting for betrayal. Which would never happen! Sundropsight is a loyal warrior and abides by the code well, wasn’t that why they’d move clans in the first place! In pursuit of their love.

Sundropsight always wanted kits of their own, but it’s mostly been a ‘some day but not today’ pushed to the side sort of endeavour. With the uncertainty about him from warriors, Sundropsight felt the nursery was becoming tense and that their time as caretaker was not appreciated. Certainly no place to raise kits. He wondered if he would be best returning to warrior work...

Torn between staying as a caretaker and becoming a warrior once more, the choice to stay in the nursery for longer became the easy option. A she-cat who had kittedn only days ago, had not been well since birth and within the space of a couple days passes away to sickness. Sundropsight waiting for their father to step up to the plate to care for his kits only to go missing taking a walk to 'clear his head'. Sundropsight watched these kits, their lives not his responsibility. He was a caretaker, they'd be raised just like he had, by the caretakers of the clan and they'd love Marshclan just as he had Hail. Only it didn't quite happen that way, and laid down next to them, one cold kitten nose pressed to his and they where his kits.

Sundropsight adopted them as his own, she their parent and his only responsibility for the next six moons.

A moon later, another two kits would become orphaned when a single mother died in kitbirth. He didn't hesitate, Daturacloud would bring him the two kits with a somber expression, and Sundropsight accepted them with open paws. A family of 5, how wonderful. His own little family.

After long moons with Dandelionkit going from nursery to herbalist den, sundropsight wondered if it waas a relief that Fernpaw and Ladybugpaw were able to become apprentinces as normal. He was certain Dragonflypool and Batstrike would be good mentors for them too. It was a little bitter sweet seeing these kits become apprentencies, a reminder of how time passed and whilst he'd been in Marshclan for awhile he'd yet to grow the courage to ask Seaotter if he wanted to be vis mate.

As he steadily grew the courage, the thought was put on hold when Howlsun passed away suddenly in their sleep to an unknown illness, white Timberbear seemed to get along with his life just fine, Seaotter was understandably sad. Sundropsight gave seaotter as much time to grieve as they needed, promising to be there anytime he needed aer to be.

In a turn of events that sundrop couldn't say were shocking Bellflowersnow turned out to be a spy and fled the territory. Keeping his kits extremely close that night, he watched everyone they interacted with with caution. The clan hadn't trusted him yet willingly opened their ranks to a rogue and that had been a mistake; it seemed a little off-pawed to him.

Dandelionkit was released from the herbalist den for a final time, made an apprentice and given Wrencatcher as a mentor, Sundropsight couldn't help but feel the youngster had deserved it. Gelidstorm would retire to the elders den and shortly after Murkytrail would too. The tom had given sundrop a bit of a cold shoulder to begin with, but all the same the caretaker wished the other a good retirement.

Thymekit and Basilkit would be born to aphidstalk giving Datura something to do other thank hovering around his nest all day. It was a bit of a welcomed changing getting to just sit with his kits daily. Gelidstorm passed away in their sleep not long after their retirement.

Moons after Cloudclan had been pushed from their home did the four clans group together to launch an attack against them. It was successful. Although cats lives where lost, it wasa risk they all collectively chose to take. With minimal deaths in his own clan and only a pawful on injuries, Sundropsight decided the battle had been worth it. The victory did not follow with goodnew as the sickness grew worse and even Butterflydawn began to show symptoms of it.

As new-leaf arrived and prey became plentiful, waspstar stepped down to retirement and Egretstar would take his place with Opossumshriek later being chosen as deputy. Sundropsight did his very best to be there for Seaotter as Mushroomstep became ill but in truth had no real experience of his own to rely on. News continued to look bad as Claytansy and Kitewillow died to the sickness and Rubbblepaw died too.

He would however celebrate and cheer loudly for Seaotter as he was given Frecklepaw to train, proud of his friend and assured he would be a good mentor. A cat named Hawkclaw would be killed by an empire cat, a war he thought to be over seemed to rage on with the straglers of the empire. Given how battered he was when he was found and brought back, Sundropsight suspected he had taken those who'd take his own life with him. He knew little about the tom outside of being a powerhouse in the war and hoped whatever had driven him to such a bloody end had given him peace to rest easy in the afterlife.

As his kits apprenticeships crept near Sundropsight worried over them more than he ever had, not ready to see any of them grow up just yet, his nervous and tension was made only worse when potatokit fell ill. Unable to rank up with his littermates nor his younger siblings, Sundropsight worried he would loose his kit to the sickness, and if he did, would that make him a bad parent? Shaking the thought from his head he did his best to support his now little apprentices and his kit in the herbalist den.

Daturacloud | brother

-Thoughts here

Dapplebird | Friend

-Thoughts here

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

- Thoughts here

First Impressions

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First impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

Template by circlejourney | Edited by Melontine