Tier adopts batch 1 - open



10 months, 24 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer
$20 - $175


Ok trying something new to perhaps downsize my huge folder of unused concepts/designs! I’ll be spending the next week on the abs (if any) so depending on how this turns out I may not post any new adopts next week. Cancer + Leo are still wips!

ends Aug 3 at 4:00 pm cst

sb: 20 usd

min. incriment: 5 usd

ab1: 75 usd (tier one: base recolor, base shown is the one I’m using)

ab2: 130 usd (tier two: simple fullbody)

ab3: 170 usd (tier three: simple fullbody + teeny)

ab1 can be outbid by ab2 & 3.

current offers:

Falcon: ab1

Battle Guy: ab1

Mint: ab3

Spiderwort: ab1

Mutt: $50

Thorns: ab1

reply to chain or dm to offer. Paypal/usd only. offers made within 10 minutes of the end time will extend the end time by 30 more minutes. payment plans & short holds are ok with a down payment! Must agree to TOS to buy! tysm in advance 💕

not a closed species