Viola Larkin (Taboo Tattoo)



3 years, 11 months ago


Viola Larkin




1pm - 11pm

1pm - 11pm

1pm - 11pm

1pm - 11pm

1pm - 1am

Special Hours
11pm - 3am by appt.



Taboo Tattoo


Established in 20XX, this tattooing and piercing body shop has taken residence in the newly thriving Little Olympia.

With an eclectic vibe and Creativity and Individuality being it's two core values, Taboo Tattoo welcomes any and all ideas--no matter how out there-- to be reimagined on the living canvas of one's skin. Walk-ins are accepted, but it's your luck of the draw with who's free to paint your canvas.

"Ars longa, vita brevis." - Art is long, life is short

Tattoo & Piercing Prices

Regular Prices

  • Tiny Tattoo [2in] = $30-$150
  • Small Tattoo [2in-4in] = $50-$250
  • Med. Tattoo [4in-6in] = $150-$450
  • Large Tattoo [6in+] = $500-$4000
  • Face Piercings = $35-$50
  • Non-face Piercings = $50-$80

Special Deals

  • Half Sleeve = $350
  • Full Sleeve = $700
  • Half-Back = $750
  • Full Back = $1500
  • Touch Ups = $35 per Tat
  • Piercer's Delight = Up to Discussion

Please note that these prices are a rough estimate and may change accordingly to how long the tattoos take and how many sessions are needed for the tattoo to be completed. For a fair example, a routine session can take 2 hours for a small tattoo or 3-5 hours for a large tattoo per session. And sessions can pile over the course of 6 months to a year, all depending on how well the skin of the customer heals.

There are special appointment hours between 11pm to 3am, though what goes on there is a mystery. Besides the number to call is Viola herself, some rumors speculate intense sessions happening in the parlor's basement.

Levels to the Floor

Main floor

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Basement Studio

Something will be written here I promise


  • While the shop's soundtrack is usually alternative rock and punk music, it can change depending on the day's tattooist.
  • There's always has an aromatic coffee smell in the shop that masks over the smell of ink and latex due to Viola brewing coffee in the back for her employees. She's also been known to serve some to a select few others (Hephaestus kids or Craige).
  • The front lobby area has a terrarium tank that houses the owner's pet tortoise! Say hi to him, he's friendly.
  • There's a NDA form for any walk-ins that want a specific tattoo while heavily inebriated. Essentially you pay for it you keep it.
  • And if you can't pay for it then we peel it.

Meet the Crew

Viola Larkin [ Owner & Lead Tattooist ]

Owner of the tattoo parlor and freelance painter under the moniker .Lark, she strives for nothing but the best quality of any artwork. From near paintings to memes, she'll draw it on the living canvas of her clients--Per request for the appropriate fee. Her speciality is drawing with quality at record pace speed, that its commonly requested for the "on the go" patrons.

Nico Hawthorne [ Tattooist ]

A more withdrawn and solemn man who's reserved nature hides away a lot of his artistic strengths. He's one of Viola's relied on tattooists and works with him between spells of extra clients. Their personalities seem to work well together as she diffuses tension in her tattoo parlor quickly and Nico is quick to avoid conflict, so there's little to no issue that happens in the artspace.

Sparta Dettmann [ "Intern" ]

Ironically similar in temperment to Viola despite being on opposite sides of temperature powers, he's a recent addition to the tattoo shop because..well..he needs money. Simply put. There's some promise in him though as he also has an eye for detail and more importantly listens to the boss, so Viola is taking the effort to help cultivate that to perhaps making him another tattooist on the line. But first he's in charge of the coffee run.