Lunlumo Island



9 months, 27 days ago


Lunlumo Island


Lunlumo is a mostly flat island covered in forest with only the occasional meadow to break up the trees. The only town on this island is surrounded by orchards of delicious rare fruits that the locals use in nearly all of their cuisine and trade with merchants who visit. The only town on Lunlumo is a single spiral shaped road tightly crammed with buildings and market stalls. The people who live here are mostly halflings and gnomes but other races are not unusual as they were once a bustling trade center before the laughing curse fell upon them.


. The Laughing Curse

The town of Loffinlot had a curse fall upon them cast by a deal making "Wish Maker" after he made a deal with Mayor Rolan. The wish was for happiness and prosperity upon their small town as they had fallen upon hard times. But the unpure heart of the mayor corrupted his wish and the towns folk were unable to stop laughing. This eventually led to laughter related deaths and many people lost their lives. Our heroes arrived after they shipwrecked, not knowing where they were, and stumbled across their town. It was discovered Caspian could cast a spell to heal them but there were too many people and not enough time. The Mayor discovered they were stronger than the average person and begged them for help with money and a new boat as a reward. They accepted as a gnome riot began outside led by Snaps McKraken.

After calming them down Snaps and the Mayor lead them into the forest looking for the said "Wish Doctor" Callisto Solaris. They found him in a beautiful meadow after getting separated in magical fog. He only let one of them in his home and Nox stepped forward. He offered a deal in exchange for the release of the other. Nox will owe him a favor in the future and he will not be able to refuse. Nox accepted this offer and it was sealed with a magical branding of Callisto's symbol and was promptly ejected from the home along with a caged otter. The otter was released and they were transported back into the foggy forest with the sound of wet retching nearby. The otter took of transforming into the Halfing woman, Cora as she ran towards her father as he coughed up what remained of the curse. He decided there that it was time to retire and Snaps was convinced to take his place.
Back in the town the people of Loffinot were freed and the spent the entire night celebrating and drinking as a drunken Nox had a talk Eree. The next morning the streets were littered with passed out people and the remnants of a party. Caspian and Eree entered Nox's room to discover he had not spent the night alone. Snaps arrived soon after to discuss their reward and after some time waiting they were presented with a new ship, loaded to the brim with supplies and gold as a thank you. And our adventurers headed out, off to their next adventure.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.


Old Man Al

Tavern Owner

Arvan Rumsian

Tavern Employee

Rolan Loffin

Ex-Mayor of Loffinlot


Clementine Seller

Snaps McKraken

New Mayor of Loffinlot

Cora Loffin

Roland's Daughter

Callisto Solaris

Wish Doctor


role / job
