Cecilia Blake



6 years, 23 days ago


  • name:    cecilia blake
  • nicknames:    ceci/cece ( see-see or seh-see ), lia ( lee-uh ), ilia ( ill-ee-uh ),
  • age:    22
  • height:    5'6"
  • orientation:    pansexual, male lean 
  • significant other:    ranima
  • occupation:    tattoo artist, also volunteers for the library
  • general personality notes: 
    • very sweet and naturally sort of motherly, she, along with her boyfriend, tend to be seen as a sort of paternal figure for quite a few of the kids that come through the town.
    • she's got quite the sweet tooth! which is pretty nice, when her boyfriend has such an affinity for baking pastries.
    • she's actually kinda needy? and a bit clingy, but ranima thinks its cute, so he hasn't ever complained about it
    • she also has a bit of a childish side!! it usually comes out when she's around younger people, or having a good time, but she tends to get very giggly and happy, and can't control herself when it comes to performing innocent childish acts.
    • she carries herself daintily, but she has a wicked sense of self defense. she will not hesitate to defend herself should a situation arise, and she wouldn't think twice about harming someone who tried to lay a hand on her or someone she loves
    • speaking of love!! she's actually very full of it? she's questioned multiple times if she's polyamorous, because of how much love she really experiences, but she's never found someone she feels quite the same way towards as she feels towards ranima.
  • trivia:
    • her and ranima met because he was helping babysit for a friend, and ran into her while he was in a rush trying to buy snacks for the kid, and she gave a little recommendation that turned out to be the baby's new favorite snack.
    • she has HUNDREDS of notebooks that she's completely filled to the brim with art, be they tattoo designs, random little characters, or just sketches of the people she's come across; she's constantly looking for new inspiration
    • she has synesthesia ( i haven't yet picked the specifics, but i also have it ;w; ), and she uses this as inspiration for when she's trying to find something new to work on
    • sometimes she brags about how she's always helped take care of ranima's little sisters!!! but, no one knows whether or not ranima has any little sisters.
    • ( he doesn't, but the two of them have created quite the intricate inside joke about him and his sixteen younger siblings )
    • ranima always dyes her hair for her, because he's the only one who can get that natural pudding head look she's going for
    • her tattoo is on the small of her back, right on the dip of her spine
    • she's allergic to most furry animals
  • likes:
    • sweets!! her favorite is butterscotch candies
    • flowers, as she gets them pretty often from various places, her favorites are yellow roses, specifically
    • cats!! oh my goodness, she adores cats so much, but could never have any herself due to allergies
    • helping people out
    • drawing!!!! no one can take a pencil out of her hands unless they stop working
    • reading!!! gosh, she loves reading whenever her hands don't work to draw
    • little kids and babysitting!!!!!!!!
  • dislikes:
    • chocolate, actually? it's a little weird! but she doesn't like chocolate flavored things
    • sour flavors, especially sour candies, she thinks they're trickery and terrible little lies
    • dogs, but it's because she has a fear of them,,
    • napping! she thinks it wastes time she could be doing something
  • backstory:    
    • cecilia was born into a rather modest family, just her and her parents, and it was a pretty soft life for a while. her parents were loving and warm, and always had her best interests in mind while she was growing up. this isn't some tragedy, just a series of choices that got to where she is today.
      first, she started to draw! she loved to doodle outside the lines on her coloring books, changing the shapes of the designs she was presented. her parents found her creativity to be absolutely wonderful, and went out of their way to buy her notebooks and paper, and the best drawing materials they could afford on their small amount of extra funds. cecilia was so happy, and she always excitedly showed her parents every single picture she drew. the natural progression of this happened in school, where she began to doodle on her own limbs, rather than risk getting in trouble for doodling on her schoolwork instead. this lead to a fascination with tattoos! she began planning her own long before she'd ever be allowed to get it, and often came back to rethink the design. at first, she wanted something big and grand- complexity at its finest! then, with time, she simplified it, realized... maybe she shouldn't get one that she herself wouldn't be doing, and overwork some poor artist. she settled on her simple roses, and the day she got it done was the happiest day of her life. she was so excited to show her parents- after all, it was her own art that had been now immortalized on her body. her father found it endearing, her mother... was a little different. it was fine, though, this never caused any conflict in her home life, no, it just meant she'd keep mentions of it away from her dear mother's ears.