Symon Cantillio



1 year, 1 month ago


Every time I wake up in this strange place I must remind myself that I haven't gone mad.
  • Full Name Symon Cantillo
  • Age 29
  • BirthdayMay 2nd, 1900
  • Height170cm (5'7 ft) (As Human)
    6.4cm (As Miinu)
  • Gender Male
  • Sexuality Homoromantic Ace
  • SpeciesHuman (Formerly) 
    Cicada Miinu
  • RaceSouth East Asian
  • BirthplaceMiinau, Bituin
  • HomeMiinau, Bituin
  • LanguagesTagalog (Native), English, Spanish, 
    Hindi, Miinuvian
  • Playlist
     Farah Cantillo (Mother)
     Izzah Cantillo (Sister)

    Oman Cantillo (Father)

Symon Cantillo was formerly a human and a traveling merchant who has been stricken with a terrible curse that has turned him into a Miinu.


As a human Symon appears as a slender man with a dark, rose brown complexation, brown eyes, and black hair that is long and kept into a braid. He often dresses formally, wearing a long forest green coat and trousers.

As a Miinu, he resembles a Giant Colorful Cicada, with dark skin, teal hair, colorful markings and Miinu features. He tends to wear a small cloak and dark pants in this form. 


Symon is a quiet, timid individual. He is a polite and intelligent gentleman who tends to be a little awkward and anxious. This is because he has undiagnosed autism. He can be quite particular about his routine and adverse to change. Despite working as a salesman, he often struggles with social interactions. He has a strong interest in antiques and enjoys the art of refurbishing them. He also has a very passionate hobby of crafting miniature dioramas.

He tends to handle change quite poorly and panics when anything in his life is out of sorts. He'll often go to extreme lengths to keep things the way he likes them.   


While Symon grew up in a nice family and was relatively well off, his childhood was still quite rough. His undiagnosed autism meant that he was often scolded harshly and abused for his behavior by his parents. His family also seemed to greatly prefer his neurotypical younger sister. Symon grew up having to work harder to get validation from his parents.

As an adult he got a job as a traveling salesmen, a job that was soul-sucking and left him burnt out every day, but he was able to impress his family by bringing in money, and ended up becoming the sole bread winner when his father's business went under and his mother got too sick to work. 

During a period where he was overworked and business was slow, he acquired a strange fossil from an estate sale. The fossil turned out to be cursed and caused him to transform into a Miinu, a process which was slow, painful, grotesque, and revealed the true extent of his family's negligence and apathy for him.

He was able to escape and eventually found himself in a Miinu village with very little memory of what had happened to him.


  • Miniatures
  • Antiques
  • Chocolate


  • Meat
  • Unpleasant Textures
  • Noise


  • Symon's story is heavily inspired by Gregor Samsa of "The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka". 
  • One of Symon's stims is pulling his hair out of his braid and rebraiding it.
  • He has an aversion to the texture and taste of meat and prefers to be vegetarian.