Elephaolo DeLuisa (Elephaolo DeLuisa)



Elephaolo DeLuisa
mischievous . outgoing . clever

Quick Stats

nickname Elephaolo
Age 9
Gender male, he/him
Orientation undetermined
Height 4'5"
Race half-luxodon
Class arcane trickster rogue
Background content
Job gondolier, restaurant
co-manager, law student
Location DeLuisa Mansion
Parents Mona DeLuisa
Siblings twin sister, Tilda (9)


Elephaolo DeLuisa is one of the younger bastards of Murai, along with his twin sister Tilda. They are the children of well known multi-billionaire ele-entrepranuer, fashion designer, and lifestyle influencer, Mona DeLuisa. He is often left unsupervised, which allowed him to develop a love of petty theft and general mischief. He is best known by his siblings for being a prankster and not knowing when to stop a joke. He and Tilda are a force of chaos and tend to take things a bit too far, but it is all in good fun and they never mean to do any actual harm. He is a child entrepraneuer and spends his time managing his restauraunt, sailing his gondola, and going to lawyer school. He loves to explore new and different jobs so he can utilize them in future bits and gags.


  • Elephaolo considers his brother Rob to be his nemesis because he likes to play Rob's game show, 'The Price Better Be Right,' but Rob always accuses him of cheating when there are no explicet rules against it.
  • Elephaolo and Tilda often will stack on top of one another in a trenchcoat and pretend to me a man named Giuseppe Adultman.
  • To combathis "nemesis," Rob Rarker, he and Tilda have crafted a new identity for him: a 69 year old bastard named Patricky Giuseppe Derm.
  • Elephaolo does not believe that the bastards are his family, and hopes that one day her mamá and papá will reunite and form a nuclear family.

. player: Rachel .