Masao Kota



10 months, 11 days ago


Masao Kota, who usually goes by Kota, is a demon slayer who joined the demon slayers very early on in his life with his closest friend, Katsuro Fudo. The two boys had been next door neighbors ever since they were infants. When Kota was 8 and Katsuro was 9 their village got attacked by demons. Their parents were both slaughtered. The boys were out playing in the woods at the time, like they did every night, and came back to the disaster that was their home. Kota vowed to kill the demon that slaughtered his family, while Katsuro joined the Demon slayers because Kota wanted to. Katsuro never had a good home life. When the boys were 10 and 11 they got accepted as Demon slayers. They had trained as hard as they possibly could to get in. They quickly killed many demons. Kota did not show any sympathy to demons, Katsuro differed. Katsuro always listened to the last words of the demons, he knew they were human once too. To him they were tragic creatures who were misunderstood. Kota was unaware that Katsuro believed this. A decade later, when they were in their twenties, the two were climbing up the ranks and were fairly well known, they faced stronger and stronger demons, Kota had a bloodlust for killing demons, Katsuro was leaning on the demons side as he saw the decent of his dear friend, and how he did not show any sympathy to any demon. Soon the two faced an extremely powerful demon and Kota was so close to killing it but Katsuro stopped him. The two fought for what seemed that hours but was really a few moments before Kota, in his unfocused blood lusting state struck a fatal blow on Katsuro, slashing his neck as if he were a demon. Kota soon realized what he had done and couldn’t bear his guilt with what he had done. He sat there as he watched Katsuro beg the demon to help him, to save him and let him live. Katsuro would die if he remained a human. The demon transformed Katsuro into a demon and Kota fled. He was disguster that Katsuro plead to a demon and defended it. Katsuro now being a demon, has a blood lust for demon slayers. (STORY IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRES!!)


The two still care for each other dearly but they have chosen extremely different paths. 

(WIP) Personality: