


6 years, 16 days ago


Foxfire Sly . Self Willed . Rash

│NAME Foxfire

│Gender Tom

│Affiliations (current) Gladeclan

│Affiliations (past) None

│Rank Hunter

│Age 30 moons [2 years and 6 months]

│Powers None

│Voice claim


"One must be a fox to recognize traps and a lion to frighten wolves"


  • Fox has had a fear of falling ever since the incident with Flowerpaw
  • Fox does has a resting bitch face that he copied from his mentor
  • He's very good at catching faster prey like birds and squirrels
  • His fur is hefty and thicc
  • He sometimes accidentally scares little kits

Positive Traits

  • Self Assured
  • Self Willed

Neutral Traits

  • Rash
  • straight-forwards

Negative Traits

  • Sly
  • Haughty

Recluse Charming

Cowardly Brave

Greedy Charitable

Deceitful Sincere

Lazy Diligent

Serious Playful

Naive Perceptive

Smug Humble

Meek Bold

Foolish Intelligent

Logical Creative

Crueliy Compassion

Follower Leader

Chaotic Lawful

Grouchy Coolheaded


  • Swimming in the waters
  • Holding Conversations
  • Kits
  • Cloudless Nights
  • Watching the sunrise


  • Fighting, War, Violence
  • infighting
  • Starclan...ish
  • The other clans acting up
  • Liars

Design note

  • He still has some kit markings in the back of his neck
  • He resembles a fox
  • He stands out among the foliage
  • His tail is an accidental leaf magnet
  • His fur is so dense who know how dirty he really is


Foxkit was one of four kits born to Featherfall in Gladeclan, along with: Flowerkit, Firekit, and Beetlekit. His father, Nightflight, was never in the picture. He abandoned them even before his birth. Although he was envious of the other kits and queens who had fathers to look up to, he never showed his disdain for it. He had his mother and siblings and that was enough. Foxkit, had always shown to be the smart one of the group, always managing to talk the other kits to give him some of their fresh-kill.


Foxpaw was apprenticed to the Hunter, Jumpclaw. This was a large brooding tom who had a resting bitch face, but was very kind at heart. Foxpaw thrived in his role as a hunter apprentice and loved to show off his skills to the younger apprentices. One night his brother Beetlepaw had the idea to sneak out of camp and do some tree-top racing. Of course, Fox was all in for it, he couldn’t wait to leave his siblings in the dust. It was all fun until Flowerpaw had a fall from a tree. All three of the apprentices waited for their sister to rejoin them. When Flowerpaw didn’t come back up, they all went down only to find Flowerpaw laying in a pool of her own blood. Fox was the first one to chime up that they should go back to camp and tell their elders what happened. Returning to camp, the three made up a story of being attacked by a mysterious creature. Jumpclaw excused Fox from training that day to mourn the loss of his sister. Life went on and Fox passed his Hunter Assessment and grained the name of Foxfire


Fox is starting to settle in his new Hunter rank and does his best to keep his clan fed.


She took care of me and my siblings even she she didn't had the means to give us the type of life that many others had. She did her best and that is all that matters.



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