Jelly Bean Cookie



10 months, 4 days ago


Age: 17

Gender: Cis Male

Species: cookie

Status: alive

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: the guard of the cookie of darkness

Birthday: December 24

Relationship: Kiwi Jam(Twin Sister), Macchiato Cookie(Teacher), Choco Cream Cookie(Classmate), Shadow lady(crushing), Powdered Sugar Cookie(Mother)

Appearance: in his cookie form, he’s a dark skinned tall guy that’s a little bit buff. He has red locs that is in a ponytail. He has freckles, face cheeks scars, and make up. His clothing is not that special. He has a single Kiwi earring, a choker, a sweater, and a short sleeve jacket with some black pants, some old shoes and a bag to keep his art supplies

In his demon form, he use his weapon that is called a Kiwi slice that helps him create a mask and new limbs every time when his limbs get cut off. They’ll be more info about this in the gallery.

Personality: he’s a very quiet guy who’s strict, stoic and emotionless disposition. He sometimes can be a little bit temperamental just like his mother. he can just stay quiet and not say a word but when it comes to painting, he’s really deep thoughts to his paintings that one simple mistake could easily angered him which he could harm himself.

Backstory:  At a young age jelly bean had a twin sister by the name of Kiwi jam they were very close that they both train together to become both of the guards of the cookie of lightness I promised each other, that if one of them got accepted, they would not go without the other. Unfortunately, Kiwi jam did not keep that promise. She got accepted and left her brother behind jellybean didn’t know what to do for his future until he found a place to work and to stay. it was an opera show. He wanted to work there since He has a talent of painting, and he can do the background for the upcoming opera shows. His teacher found out about this beautiful painting skills and accepted him as one of his students. He would tell jellybean to paint for him something that isn’t a landscape He isn’t a fan of drawing people, but recently found out that he has a passion of drawing woman. When painting women helps him bring comfort and makes him happy, looking at his paintings to see a beautiful woman but his passion of painting crashed when he recently found out his teacher we’re selling these painting behind his back after recently finding this out he confronted the teacher about this issue. He didn’t really care and just told jelly bean “it’s all about the money and I need it if I’m going to have this opera show live“ then left. Jelly bean was furious about this, that he almost give up until a woman in red found out about this argument, and wanted to help jelly bean. He had no idea why this woman wanted to help her but didn’t mind since he’s happy to find someone that will help him at his lowest. The woman in red and jelly bean made a plan together to get rid of the teacher. the woman in red told the teacher that something was happening on the roof of the stage that is messing up the lighting the teacher was furious so he quickly went up there after he went up. There was no one there, except someone was behind him, and I was jellybean, who had a rope, tied his neck, then pushed him off the stage for one of his last performance, for this hellhole of an opera show. After the audience and the students saw the teacher life, his body hanging jellybean, and the woman in red quickly made an escape, where he grabbed her by her hand and ran away together to paradise which led him to joining the dark magic team.

Other information/fun fact

- jelly bean is very close to his mother that he can’t stand to be separated

he loves food a lot and finds it a comfort.

when talking to women, he would constantly stutter or talk softly.

he has a pet kiwi owl!

Jelly bean cookie voice claim is joey jordison from Slipknot