Black Blossom Cookie



10 months, 2 days ago


Age: 16

Gender: Cis female

Species: cookie

Status: alive

Sexuality: Lesbian

Occupation: the guard of the cookie of darkness

Birthday: April 1

Relationship: Black cherry cookie(twin sister), shadow lady(crushing), the dark guards (tension)

Appearance: Black blossom is a bit tall with twirl ponytails, she wears gothic makeup and Gothic Lolita outfits holding an umbrella, that is very dear to her.

Personality: she stole the personality of her sister , which is being rude to others, manipulative, and extremely selfish to get in her way, but if she gets stopped, she would throw an inappropriate scene 

Backstory: Black blossom had a twin sister by the name of black cherry while growing up black cherry was popular because she was communicating with more people and wasn’t shy like her sister. Black blossom, didn’t care if she was popular or not all she cared about was her umbrella business She would make custom cherry blossom umbrellas, but her business wasn’t that successful her twin sister noticed her business and told her that she would tell the town about black blossom business. she was excited that her twin sister is helping her with the business that she waited in her shop for more customers she waited, waited and waited, but there wasn’t any single customer in her shop so she closed early and saw a crowd of people in the middle of the town. She went there to see her sister, black cherry, selling her umbrellas and taking all the credits she was furious, so she went back home to cut up some more wood for her umbrellas. After her sister was finish selling umbrellas. She went back home with black blossom and told her all the amazing things that happen with her business black blossom was still chopping up, wood, listening to all the things that her sister said to her she was furious because the town only cared about black cherry than her. She couldn’t listen to her sister talking so she swung her axe to her sister. Her was crying in pain and in a whore block blossom didn’t stop when she screamed she continue swinging her axe from her body to her face so she can forget what her sister look like after she snap back to reality she couldn’t believe what she done to her only sister to her only twin sister she couldn’t handle it that she was almost about to end it all until a lady in the shadow told her to come with her to forget this bad memory block blossom had no idea what to do so she fell of the lady extraction. The shadow lady told her to follow her if she wants to keep her twin sister spirits alive, so she did she left everything behind for the shadow lady, but the only thing that she didn’t left was her sister identity.

Other information/fun fact

She’s pretty mysterious and well mannered if you don’t get her in a bad mood and that’s barely because she’s very quick to anger.

she usually stick around with ground cherry pie cookie as her assistant to tell her if the team found the time sugar crystal and who is or isn’t working.

usually she’s not a big fan of the other team members, but the only team member that she likes is jelly bean since they’re both the higher rank of the strongest

she really hates celebrating her birthday and buy celebrating her birthday. She just goes to her sister grave and celebrate hers

Black blossom cookie voice claim is celestia ludenberg from Danganronpa