(Name Pending)



5 years, 11 months ago


Age: 82 (Pre-Death)
Gender: Female
Race: Undead Half-Elf (Quarter Amani Troll) / Banshee
Height: 5'10''
Notable Physical Traits: Pale pink hair, ashen skin, petite tusks, shorter ears than average High Elf, red glowing eyes

Brief History: Born to a half-troll father, her life has never been particularly light-hearted, particularly following the Third War. Arthas's march through Quel'thalas took the life of the half-elf, before she was promptly risen as one of the Lich King's banshees. Like the rest, she eventually was freed of Arthas' control and became one of Sylvanas's Dark Rangers. She served her Banshee Queen for the years to come, dutifully doing her work until very recently. Believing that Sylvanas has begun to go down a far darker path, she has since 'disappeared' from her post following the Burning of Teldrassil. It is assumed she was lost during the fighting between the Horde and Alliance, where in reality she has been keeping to herself, assisting the True Horde wherever she can, without outright going against the Warchief's commands. 

Design of character purchased from SnarkySnek for $5. Design and original headshot art originally done by the lovely Jawlatte.