(Name Pending)'s Comments

So jealous you got her! Was planning on buying her offa Jaw when I got paid, but once I did and went to go get her, she was already gone!  Can't wait to see what you do with her!

If you’re still interested in her, I would be willing to resell her for the $5! ; v; She was a bit of an impulse buy riP

Oh man. I'll totally buy her off ya!

Paypal's [email protected] if you wanna request the money from me :O

Ahh, I’m at work at the moment so if you’d like you can just send it here! 

https://paypal.me/ganpiank ! I get off around 12 EST 

Sorry for taking so long! I'm a poop and forget to check Toyhou.se on my phone and I've been away from my computer.

Money sent!

You’re totally fine!

Thank you so much! The transfer request has been sent!