


6 years, 21 days ago


When you can’t look on the bright side, I’ll be sitting next to you in the dark.

Full name             Eldrogan Schwarzschild. Del calls him "pretty boy" because lbr, he is.

Sexuality              Bisexual

Nationality           German

Birthday               September 22nd, 1993

Personality            ESFJ, Lawful good. Touching is his favorite way of getting to know people and things. Always ready to give hugs.

Occupation            Journalist

Character traits     An actual cinnamon roll. Hoards scented candles. A puppy in disguise. Uses his remaining two brain cells to love other people.

Favorite color        Green

Height                    185cm (6'1")

Skills                      Max charisma and cooking. Could also crush a man with his thighs but would try and talk it out first.

Likes                      People, working out, gossip, his hair, mint and chocolate chip ice cream, helping people, talking to people. Why is he such a social butterfly (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ彡┻━┻. Impressing people. He’s trying.

Dislikes            Arguing, rude people, things that don’t make sense after you hear once about them, being around children for more than 10 minutes.


  • Has a scar on his eyebrow from where someone punched him.
  •  Buck teeth that I forgot to request in older pics.
  • Crinkles his nose when laughing.
  • Perfect roommate because he likes cleaning and cooking and doesn't leave his hair in the shower drain. Likes rules and keeps to the rules himself except the one about not having sex on the dinner table. At least he used a disinfectant after that.
  • Has smashed on the first date and, one time, the first day of knowing the person. Ended up with a lot of regrets in all of these cases.
  • Can lift someone against the wall ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Has a lot of toys. And rope.
  • Has a treasured mug that says "World's okayest dad" that one of his friends gifted him as a joke.


  • His father was a lawyer and his mother was a pilot. Eldrogan only saw his father for a few hours at home every day and his mother for a few hours every month.
  • When he was at home, his father cooked. He also disliked questions and Eldrogan learned to watch in silence. Eventually, he learned to cook for himself, because just heating up his father’s meals left too much time to be at home by himself.
  • I have it on good authority that being a lonely extrovert kid is worse than being a lonely introvert kid. He read a lot of books.
  • His parents loved each other and he knew that, but they didn’t show a lot of affection to him or to each other (at least outside of their room since they were both private people). The most affectionate his parents would ever get is saying ich bin stolz auf dich about something he’d done. They’re best described as loving but distant.
  • He started writing in the school paper help section when he was 14.
  • Wrote a poem for his high school crush and published it anonymously in the school paper.
  • He was one of those teenagers that grew taller in a short period. He was skinny and awkward and always hit his elbows on everything. He also had really long hair. At least he washed it regularly.
  • At 17, started working out and cut his hair. Also began dating which didn’t work out for the most part as his only experience was from reading about other people dating and his parents never talked about their relationship.
  • His first boyfriend was a guy from the same school and they both foolishly believed a long-distance relationship could work after they both went to different colleges. Spoiler alert: it didn’t.
  • Studied journalism in college.
  • Found a gf while in college and dated her for a couple of months. She’s best described as cute but psycho. Del’s first impression of him was bad mainly because of his gf.
  • After that relationship ended Eldrogan realized that maybe he needs some better standards and most of the first dates he went to didn’t progress past that.