. ๐Ÿ– Prince Porkchop ๐Ÿ‘‘ . (~ Old code #2 ~)



5 months, 5 days ago


โœจ Prince Parsley Porkchopย / He/They / Masc Nonbinary / Unlabeled โœจ
"A royal disaster."

Prince Porkchop is a crazy prince who lives in an underground castle connected to a sewer system. It stretches throughout the entirety of Morn, so he's always popping out of holes in the ground to bother his "friends".

He is technically the ruler of Morn... or at least, he's the temporary ruler of Morn since the King's disappearance, but he doesn't really do much other than follow the former king's old schedule and make sure his people aren't miserable. He's a pretty bad ruler, but he tries. Porkchop is very ditzy and easily manipulated and persuaded, he's always off in his own world so it's really easy for him to be tricked because he just never pays attention to anything. He's really clumsy, often loosing his balance and toppling over his own cape and throne.

He's usually extremely happy and is normally always eating something; specifically he seems obsessed with ancient foods, including "meat" which is a dish the ancients ate that nobody knows the ingredients of. The closest people have gotten to recreating it uses a variety of plant based ingredients, the main one being mushrooms.

One of the mushrooms this dish uses has strange properties-- sort of like alcohol but a bit different-- It's known to make people very tipsy (not exactly dead drunk but like... y'know) and irrationally happy. It's toxic to anyone but Somnians, so is not lethal to take in any amounts and can basically keep anyone intoxicated for any amount of time.

Because of the amount of them he eats it can usually be assumed that Prince Porkchop is almost always at least somewhat drunk off of these, to the point nobody really knows at this point what he's like completely sober anymore. Though he is a naturally bubbly, childish, and space-y person and was always overwhelmingly cheerful-- it's clear the amount he indulges in these mushrooms is unhealthy at best and has effected how he acts.

He loves to throw grand parties and invite all his people, and he is a good guy he's just... not all there.

((Note: It should be noted his insanity is not because he's constantly drunk, though that doesn't help if that makes sense? Even sober he's kinda insane and very bubbly and lighthearted. Idk how to properly convey that other than to write this--))
Porkchop is one of the older members of Morn, though because of the whole immortality thing he still looks young. He along with the former king of Morn and Daisy Bell were best of friends, and back in the day though he was still bubbly and weird he wasn't always completely insane.

When Dusk summoned The Hatter to Morn, the king knew the only solution was to climb the stars and beg Destiny for help defeating this ancient god.

Nobody really knows what happened between the king and Porkchop, but it is known that the king decided Porkchop would take the throne if he were to not return. He chose him because trusted Porkchop's kind soul, and knew his other friend Daisy would be so depressed ruling and not following her dreams.

Needless to say, the king did not return. Porkchop was set to rule, though for some reason... something within the first week of his rule seemed to break him. He tended to take long walks in the castle's underground tunnel system-- and something happened. Nobody knows what happened or what he saw or heard down there but it seemed to be his breaking point.

People often pity the king, as he truly is a good person. It is obvious ruling only makes him feel worse, but there's not much that can be done about it as he won't give up the throne. Besides-- who would be king if not him?

^^ art by plushpon^^


448730?1692599008^^ art by Galazzyx ^^๐Ÿ’› First - Employee - First is one of the only remaining guards of Morn, and so she is loyal to Porkchop. She didn't know Porkchop back before he was like how he is now, and finds his judgement... strange, but respects him greatly. She hopes to impress him to make him hire her as head guard one day, eventually leading it to help make Morn more safe. Right now though, Porkchop rarely listens to her and mostly puts her on tax collection duty.
472003?1692598996^^ art by Galazzyx^^
๐Ÿ’› X - Mutual? - X is always following First, so he knows the king. Porkchop used to like X back in the day, but nowadays X pities him more than anything and Porkchop gets very annoyed by this.ย 

22374829?1698195047^^ art by studiomaz^^

๐Ÿ’– Happyburger - Best Friend - Porkchop and Happyburger are very close, as Happy is one of the few not bothered by his madness. Only thing is, Happy refuses to use his recipe for meat which Porkchop doesn't mind but will usually bring his own food for when they have picnics.
19916809?1701044579^^ art by studiomaz^^๐Ÿ’” Daisy Bell - Former friends - Daisy and Porkchop, back in the day, were very close. They did everything together and she was never bothered by his eccentric and positive attitude. However since the loss of the king... well, let's just say they've drifted apart. It's not something that happened overnight, nor is it either party's fault, but the two haven't talked in years.

1088178?1698195032^^ art by studiomaz ^^

๐Ÿ’” Bobbert - ??? - Bobbert and Prince Porkchop do not speak often, but Porkchop gets very nervous when he's around. Something about Bobbert having a bad aura...
Other(s)๐Ÿ’› Porkchop doesn't have any enemies- but he's certainly not beloved like the former king. At most people usually pity him or enjoy his odd behavior in small doses. He tends to bother everyone every once in a while, plus he's king, so nearly everyone knows him personally. Only exception is the few ocs who are more recluse, such as Calcifer or The Lead Scientist, and even they know of him.

Other notable but not key relationships include his relationship with the scientists at the hospital, as they cause a lot of ruckus and chaos and he seemingly does nothing about it. This isn't for any nefarious reason, moreso just because he doesn't seem to take them as seriously as most. Though they don't interact much and not even I'm sure if they know a ton about eachother-


~ Art by me: 10+ ~


~ Worth: $100 ~ย 


~ Art by others: 10+ ~


~ Forever Homed ~

~ Created 8/4/23 ~

Other Stuff:
โœจ Despite his personality/backstory Porkchop is not a vent character (or at least he's not a character I draw in a lot of vent art). He's usually drawn in happier art by me and he is an oc that cheers me up.
Aesthetic Gif: https://toyhou.se/~r?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tumblr.com%2Fmechaking789%2F724952203095359488%3Fsource%3Dshare
Pixel dividers: https://cutekawaiiresources.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/pixel-dividers/ย 
1 - https://toyhou.se/20413980.the-badge-emporium
2 - https://toyhou.se/4739396.-ribbons
3 - https://toyhou.se/12708233.f2u-character-ribbons-badges