Samael M. Alderlight



10 months, 1 day ago




Name Samael M. Alderlight
Class Blood Hunter | Fighter | Wizard
Age 381
Pronouns He/Him
Height 5'11
Race Half-Elf / Vampire
Allignment Chaotic Evil


  • Alcohol
  • Fighting
  • Reading


  • Vampires
  • Food
  • Ember

Samael M. Alderlight is a man cloaked in mystery. Stumbling through towns, he ends up being known as a drunk throughout multiple cities, never making too much of a scene but enough of one that people just shrug him off and call him weird. In actuality, Samael uses this as a way to hear all the ongoing gossip, not actually being intoxicated. Swaying from city to city, he hopes to hear something interesting for once...and well, perhaps recently, he's heard news of an old friend showing up for the Battle of Amph.



Blood hunter - Ghostslayer

Like many other Blood hunter's in the world of Dicrye, Samael was given these abilities after falling in battle against Ember. He's a rather strong blood hunter, having time to hone his skills and push them in ways others cannot.

Self Taught Fighter

Samael trained himself in self defense, martial combat, and illusion magic. His ability to pick up most any weapon or even non-weapons and use them in combat efficiently is impressive, but did come from a place of indecisiveness. Through this training in improvised weaponry over hundred of years, Samael settled on his most skilled weapon being the glaive. Martial combat wasn't enough for him though as he locked himself away and learned spells, having a heavy interest in the school of illusions.

Vampiric Strength

Draining the blood from another, uncanny strength, and the ability to push himself past mortal capabilities are all linked to the vampirism trait he gained when he was young. It wasn't always this strong, but as he keeps on "living" the more it continues to become intuned with him.


Samael M. Alderlight had an unfortunate history, and one he claims he wouldn't be able to fully recall. He was born into an organization bent on immortalizing races who did not get to live as long as those such as elves or fae. At an age where he could understand what was happening to him and the other kids, he found an opportunity and escaped with them all. They were then found by Melpomenus, a retired adventurer and poet who resided in a small, abandoned church. He took care of the kids and Samael, giving them a chance at a life they were missing out on.

Luck Runs Out

A peaceful life only lasted so long for Samael. As he continued to live out his childhood with the other kids and the man he now viewed as a father-figure, it wouldn't be long until they were found by the very group they tried to escape from. Only thing is, Melpomenus knew this was going to happen, and in an attempt to save the children, putting an herb that put them all to sleep and had his close friend take the kids somewhere safe. He had no idea Samael would wake up in the middle of the escape plan, and had no idea he'd be running back towards the church to try and save him. When Samael got there, he saw the church in ruins and aflame. As much as he could he attempted to move rubble far bigger than him, anything to find his mentor. This would be where Samael was found, and turned by one of the vampires chasing after them.

He was saved by Melpomenus, but it was too late. The one thing Melpomenus promised was that he wouldn't let anyone take the kids, and now the one he'd grown closest too was the one he failed. As if the world was laughing at them both, Samael woke only to be overcome with the hunger that comes with vampirism.

A Sour Memory

A lone man with his familiar wanders the world of Dicrye, holding only one strong emotion left in him: anger. Seeking revenge on a captain who cut him down, he has stopped at nothing these past few years to find the perfect moment to kill the other. The opportunity seems to have risen though when an adventuring group keen on joining the Battle of Amph wander into his sights. The Battle of Amph...a yearly contest filled with bloodshed and high stakes, but ultimately, one the bitch captain Ember attended. Perhaps, everything would finally come to fruition.


After having come to the realization that it was him that caused the violence and bloodshed that faithful night which he mistook to be Ember, he dropped his weapon and ended the fight. Dropping his connection to the Blood Mother briefly and thus expecting to be killed, he was surprised when the captain of the ship told him that as much as she wanted to kill him, if he was truly being honest in the fact he had no idea what overtook him and caused him to lash out, that she'd give him a second chance- plus there was someone who would want to see him. Samael has many many ammends to make but is working towards becoming a better, more stable person, not wanting to fuck up this only chance he has. He parts ways with the Starcatchers and heads off to see an old friend after the Battle of Amph is over.


  • Can play the violin, but chooses not to. It's been a long time.
  • Fights with improvisation, meaning he's constantly looking at his environment to help him in battle, and he's good at it too.
  • Claims that elven blood is the best...but then, also claims it's triton blood. And then dwarf. You can see he lies for funsies.
  • Enjoys watching migration patterns of birds called "boat birds".
  • [Redacted].



Another Blood Hunter, but a new one. Samael taught Arkxys what it means to be a Blood Hunter, and tempts the other to go after his self destructive desires. He doesn't really care about him.


The current object of his hatred. The last thing he remembers is the captain cutting him down and sending him plunging into the cold dark seas, left to sink there all alone with no one to find him. Well, luck be damned, he's back, and ready to make her life hell on earth. Surprisingly, the two of them used to be really good friends, Samael being appointed their first mate at the time.


Samael's familiar. At the moment, this is the only being Samael finds himself close to, as the two talk when no one's around. He cares about his familiar deeply, and Raz helps the other with whatever goal Sam needs to achieve.


His romantic interest. As they have not fully met properly yet, there won't be much here about canonical events. They meet though, and are written to go through their own sort of redemptions arcs and eventually fall in love.