
One Way Dream
Tomoya Ohtani (ft. Nathan Sharp)

01 — Profile

Name Riley the Espeon
Nicknames Minty, The Legacy
Age 19
Gender She/Her
Height 3'1"
Birthdate July 7
Species Shiny Espeon
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation N/A

Status Alive
Worth Not For Sale
  • Eevee form has bluish-silver fur.

  • ALWAYS has cracked Life Orb around neck or nearby.

  • Scar is in the shape of an X.

02 — Personality

When she was younger, Riley was rather hot-headed and cocky. She had grown up with X and Horizon telling her that she possessed great power and took it to heart, leading her to gain quite an ego. Outwardly, she was nice and quite mischievous with others. But deep down, she held much pride in her power and would always put on quite a show when battling, especially after she evolved into an Espeon. However, after her pride nearly got her killed by a much larger wild Pokemon, her ego was shattered and took quite some time to heal; about as much as her head gem. Now, Riley is much more humble about her power and keeps a cooler head when talking to others. She does still enjoy pulling pranks, though; perhaps even more so thanks to her psychic powers.


Type: Psychic

Nature: Modest

Characteristics: Mischievous.

Lv. 40

Ability: Magic Bounce



Calm Mind

Shadow Ball

Draining Kiss

  • Her Parents

  • Her Uncle/Godfather

  • Pulling Pranks

  • Spicy Food

  • Rain

  • People who point out her scar

  • Losing Battles

  • Sour Food

03 — Background

"Let me show you just what I'm made of!"


04 — Trivia

  • W.I.P.

  • W.I.P.

  • W.I.P.

05 — Relationships

Adoptive Father

Riley has an unlimited amount of love and respect for X. She knows that deep down, he often worries for her, but always makes a point to remind him that she's strong enough to take on any troubles that would come their way. Still, whenever she needs help, she knows to defer to him for advice and comfort.

It's no exaggeration to say that X would die for his daughter. When she was young, X was a bit of a helicopter parent and to a point, still is after she nearly got herself killed. But he eventually loosened up slightly after she made it clear that she had learned from her mistakes and would be much more cautious in the future.


Riley adores Maverick and sees him as her grumpy, but well-meaning uncle. When she was an Eevee, Maverick would tell her several stories, often involving X or stories about what he could remember of his past life. As an adult, Riley often spars with Maverick to keep up her skills and learn new ways to battle. She also still enjoys the occasional story.

Riley is a person who Maverick would die for in a heartbeat. Ever since she was born, the Genesect took it upon himself to act as her godfather and support X and Horizon in any way he could. He often told her stories to keep her entertained and would always try to make time for her. Now, he sees Riley as his star pupil when it comes to training in the art of battle.