Minn (FF1)



9 months, 16 days ago


Minn leVarias  is the first son of a noble family  living near the edge of Cornelia. He has four siblings younger than him, and he's not close to them. He wants to be, but the suffocating, painfully formal environment they all lived in prevented them from forming true bonds with each other. The leVarias family have intermittently served as advisors and council members in the service of the King of Cornelia, and are paid handsomely for it. It's gotten to a point where their main goal appears to be keeping as much wealth in jewels and gil as they can possibly accrue, purely to benefit themselves and keep themselves financially secure in these (literally) dark times - even at the cost of other people's welfare. Over the generations, they've learned to be subtle about it and avoid investigation into their deceit.

Minn became aware of this in his childhood. At ten years old, he grew frustrated with the attentions of his parents dictating everything he was allowed to do, so one night he snuck out of his bedroom and went to explore the city. The experience was mind-blowing - he had no idea how radically different the ordinary people in town lived compared to his position of status! It wasn't too long before he was caught, though, and brought back to the manor. But it was more than enough for him to see the people in need and understand the discrepancy. Moved by pity, he made up his mind to try and do something about it. So he began practicing his sneaking and dexterity, perfecting the arts of picking both locks and pockets without being noticed.

His public persona during the day is of a spoiled rich kid in the nobility, being handed everything he wants on a silver platter. Minn is incredibly charismatic and convincing, and he has a reputation as a serial playboy. This is his way of covering up his nighttime activities - he steals from his family's vaults and storage and brings resources to the townspeople, often pulling all-nighters to give back to the community. He swears the people to secrecy, wanting no thanks or attention for his shenanigans. His mother would probably have him whipped or exiled if she found out about this... his siblings have no idea and seem to only care about stuff going missing. And even then, they only seem to care because the parents get so upset about it.

Minn carried on doing this into his early twenties. One night as he was climbing back inside a window, he was suddenly overcome by dizziness and passed out, collapsing to the floor and knocking over a priceless urn. In this state, he heard a man's voice say something about a prophecy and the rising of heroes. He woke up to the sound of his mother's angry screeching and his father starting to lecture him - both of which abruptly stopped when he stood up and revealed that a crystal glowing a faint green had appeared in his hand, marking him as one of the Warriors of Light. His siblings had been woken up by the noise and had come to see. They arrived just in time for Minn to read his parents the riot act - "You've been preying off the townsfolk for too damn long. You could help them, but you actively choose not to. I'm done living at the cost of others, and I'm done with you."

And with that, he left. He stopped only to grab some spare clothes, a couple of potions, his rapier, and a pack filled with literally as much gil and jewels as he could possibly carry, weight be damned. He assumes he's been written out of any and all inheritances he'd normally have as the firstborn son, and he no longer introduces himself with the leVarias name. The gil he gives away openly to the town. He keeps the jewels in the bottom of his pack as a reserve source of currency, trading jewels for gil as needed with merchants. Beyond that, he travels fairly light. In Cornelia, at least, he's got a really good reputation, so the commoners have his back just like he had theirs.

He is 22 when he meets the rest of the Warriors of Light. Minn banks on his Charisma and negotiation skills (and sometimes his money) for most things, and his Dexterity and thievery for whenever that doesn't work. He's usually the voice of reason for the party, holding Leucis back from doing crazy shit and trying to help Iehraine get more comfortable with being around people. He fights with a rapier and carries a knife on his waist as a back-up. He is easily swayed by sob stories and wants to help as many people as possible. Yuera was the first real close friend he's ever had, and he quickly fell in love.