Ambrosia Rosewood (||Future||)



Name: Ambrosia Rosewood-Mallard
Nicknames: Al, Flower, Rosey

Gender: FtM Male
Pronouns: He / It / Moss / They

Sexuality: Homoromantic

Status: Married & Dating
      Married to Drake & Dating Launchpad [Launchpad & Drake are also both married]

Species: Duck - Mallard

Unique Features: Plant Hybrid
   As he ages more, Ambrosia leans more into his plant traits, allowing more vines and leaves to permanently sprout from himself.

[I don't have many lore notes at this point, it's more I really wanted to make this design lol]
-A lot more confident in who he is and what he is, hence why he's leant more into his plant features
-Things have been sorted out about his non-FOWL status, so he's legally changed his name to Ambrosia [before then marrying Drake and adding on the Mallard surname]
-Launchpad McQuack-Mallard & Drake Mallard, Drake's not taken either of his husband's surnames
-He's still pretty chaotic leaning, though does often help out with heroing work, they're all a rather good team together.