


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Jessie Alex Dakota Steele


Jess or J, but answers to literally anything you can come up with

Species; breed

Domestic shorthair cat, calico (black/white/orange)


early 20s

Gender; pronouns

Queer/genderfluid, they/them


Pansexual, polyam


Personality: Laid-back, cool, extrovert, has opinions. Isn't really the type to get upset by accidental misgendering, though they will correct you if you continuously do it.

Gets excited easily, their actions are often impulsive and strongly influenced by emotions. Is into civil activism and can often be seen attending public protests and demos for causes they're even a little bit passionate about. 

Likes spending time in crowds and parties rather than being alone. Feels comfortable befriending people and talks openly about almost everything. Feels sympathy for people who have problems but doesn't usually know how to help or empathize with them.

Doesn't really like taking responsibility, but will gladly help anyone in need and does freelance work every now and then. Hates deadlines, rude questions, discussing sports, and stubborn parents. 

Occupation: Never finished high school, ideologically unemployed, living on allowances

Other info:

  • Jess prefers their name or nicknames over any pronouns but happily uses they/them
  • 160cm (5'3) tall
  • Best friends with Charlotte
  • J can wear anything (although J usually uses a binder if not feeling particularly feminine)! They find almost all of their clothes on flea markets or trash cans
  • They always carry a necklace with something unusual on it
  • Credit where it's due - inspo for some of the less generic patches: