


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Charlotte Jean Miller


Charlie, Chatte (usually pronounced "Chat", but all the variations you can come up are legit)

Species; breed

Rabbit, mixbreed (one lop ear)



Gender; pronouns

Female, she/her




Personality: Timid, shy, introvert, low self esteem. Chatte is always very aware and timid when you meet her for the first time. But after you get to know her she starts to open up, her witty humour and snarky comebacks accentuated with her fragile laughter can be heard again. She is at her best with Jessie, who brings out her good sides and what social skills she has, and always tries to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Chatte can be seen attending public protests with (and persuaded by) Jessie, and even though she is shy, as an activist she defends sexual and gender minority rights furiously.

Prefers calm and calculating over sudden and emotion-influenced actions. As an introvert she likes being alone, gets tired in crowds and loves spending quality time with one or just few friends at a time. She is a great listener and can often offer helpful and comforting words.

Charlotte is significantly underweight - she suffered from anorexia nervosa and even though she is now trying to recover she is still ashamed of her body and tries to cover it with baggy clothes. She is still relatively easily triggered into using disordered behavior under pressure, but is slowly unlearning that as well.

For relaxation she prefers classical music and good books, or finding somewhere pretty to paint or photograph.

Occupation: Part-time coffee shop worker at a local book café

Other info:

  • She is tall! 180cm without ear height, ear height adds about 20-25cm
  • She is best friends with Jessie.
  • Used to have dreadlocks but cut them off and now wears her hair very short. Dreams of growing it out again but it's currently too brittle for that. 
  • Chatte is ALWAYS barefoot if possible, as far into Autumn and as early in the Spring as she can.
  • Her clothes are usually of earthy colors, she loves pockets and Palestinian scarves.