


A mysterious merchant who roams the desert trading rare goods and oddities. His true motives are all but unknown.

♪Theme: "Scarab" - Vairo (epilepsy warning)


~"Greetings, fellow traveller. Have a look at my wares -- I guarantee I have something to peak your interest."

~"Ruins are unstable, traps are deadly, but I am among the most reliable!"

~"I have little time for your impudent questions, could I interest you in a thousand-year-old cursed tea set instead?"

~"Yes, and this one here-- that is dangerous, don't touch really, unless you want to contract an incurable disease then I suggest you keep your mitts off."

~"By all means, go ahead and steal it. Go on, walk out of my tent...I'm waiting."

~"Water? I think I'll pass, I'm not fond of getting my fur wet. And it also, um, smears my eyeliner..."

~"You can kindly go toss yourself into the nearest well."

~"Everything is negotiable."


▪︎Can be found wandering through deserts; will gladly stop and trade with anyone friendly

▪︎Is usually an honest trader, but occasionally swindles people if there is something his really wants, or if he's trying to escape a dangerous situation; he can be crafty when he needs to be

▪︎He has a sort of deep, raspy voice; Arabic accent

▪︎The technical pronunciation of his name is ˈta-d͡ʒɪr, but for those who cannot roll their tongue in such a way, "tah-jeer" is also acceptable to him

▪︎Deals with would-be thieves swiftly and without hesitation

▪︎Will rapidly slice his enemys' throats with the spines on his forearms while pinning them against a wall

▪︎His body is well-armored with slightly malible chitin, but it has its weak spots where there is nothing but soft, off-white leathery skin

▪︎His mandibles are incredibly strong and can spread out and twist to grab an opponent; his jaws are equally as powerful

▪︎The two quills on his back are rather flexible and he can tuck them into his fur along his spine. When threatened or angry, they will stick up -- and yes, they are venomous

▪︎Being stabbed with his quills isn't a death sentence so long as you are not sick, elderly, or a small child, but it will burn something fierce

▪︎The quills do have one major drawback...they tend to get snagged on his cloak -- he has to make sure they are laying tucked against his spine before putting his hood up

▪︎He excels at multi-tasking (he does have four arms afterall)

▪︎He's definitely one to use hand gestures while talking... like a lot -- very expressive with his arms

▪︎He cannot fully close his eyes (he has no need to, as they are dry) but he can squint or widen them slightly to show emotion, and his pupils turn black when he's asleep or unconscious

▪︎Since he doesn't blink, he sees everything; he also has excellent nightvision and can perceive a larger spectrum of colors than humans can

▪︎He does not, however, have the greatest hearing, and often has to ask people to repeat themselves

▪︎Is otherwise very perceptive and can almost always tell when someone is nearby or watching him; his keen observance also allows him to read people and predict their intentions

▪︎Only consumes liquids by drinking through his proboscis, much like a moth; enjoys fruit juice and nectar

▪︎Smells using his antenna

▪︎His "fur" is fluffy, but also powdery and moth-like

▪︎Very light on his feet, and despite his appearance, is decently flexible

▪︎Very tolerant of extreme temperatures

▪︎His favorite color is green

▪︎The scarab beetle brooch he wears he stole from ancient ruins. Instead of selling it off he kept it for himself -- though it certainly marks him as a grave robber and defiler of sacred ruins

▪︎Refuses to reveal much of anything about himself to anyone he is doing business with

▪︎Does not always understand boundaries, yet gets irritated when his own are crossed

▪︎Is highly intelligent/strategic and is excellent at relinquishing old tombs and ruins of their valuables

▪︎He loves solving puzzles and enjoys a good mystery

▪︎He is the very definition of organized chaos

▪︎Probably hides all his stuff in a cave somewhere

▪︎Sometimes burrows in the sand to hide or even sleep

▪︎Has the strange ability to vanish and appear at random times & locations

▪︎An excellent and thoughtful gift-giver

▪︎Is very gentle and kind to children, often letting them climb on him and ask him random questions; can't say the same for adults

▪︎When he sells/trades things, he's not really in it for the payout. He's not out to get rich (even though with the amount of valuables he's got stored away he definitely is) but rather, he just enjoys the thrill of deal-making

▪︎The money he does make from trading he sends to his parents and little sisters back at his childhood home -- which he rarely visits in person more than once a year (much to his mother's dismay)

▪︎Used to operate a trading caravan with his two brothers until it was raided and his siblings were butchered while trying to protect it

▪︎Lost most of his right wing during the attempt to guard his caravan from a tribe of marauders(led by Scythe); because of this, he refuses to travel in groups anymore in fear of attracting attention

▪︎Usually avoids large cities and sticks to visiting small frontier towns, with the exception of occasionally visiting an unlikely friend named Gnocchi

▪︎He and Gnocchi like to go out for coffee every other Saturday and knit scarves together like little old ladies

(Thank you LaMissVixa for inspiring the trivia below)

▪︎Has an interest in archaeology

▪︎Likes looking at rocks; he doesn’t collect them, he just likes examining them and leaves them where he found them

▪︎Accidentally burnt the tip of his tail at a campfire once, took forever for the fur to grow back and he was quite humiliated

▪︎Honey nectar is his favorite

▪︎Rotting fruits are also a treat to him

▪︎The smell of coffee is nostalgic to him as he grew up near a coffee farm

▪︎Dislikes large birds or any other flying predator; though he isn't quick to admit it, he's quite jealous and a little bit scared of them



•Raiding tombs/ruins

•The dark




•Collecting... anything

•Cactus flowers



•Wearing eyeliner (egyptian styles)

•Standing in dark corners

•Listening to and telling stories

•Jumping out and scaring people just for the funsies


•Raiders and thieves (but apparently has no quarrels stealing from dead people)

•Being closely examined/having his personal space invaded

•When people ask him personal questions

•Being followed/stalked

•Losing/misplacing his belongings

•Getting his fur wet

•Travelling in groups

•Feeling trapped in any way

•Being threatened or insulted (usually reacts with silence but may secretly plot revenge)



*DRAWING NOTE*: Please draw him with his clothes unless otherwise specified, lol (the cloak is optional, however) You may draw him with his hood up and his cloak covering the majority of him if you're not confident about drawing his anatomy

*Extra Side Note*: Feel free to have fun and play around with his eyeliner, he's kind of obsessed with it since he has a rather irregular amount of eyeballs. He likes a lot of egyptian styles if that helps.