talita oliveira



10 months, 10 days ago


female (she/they)
20 years
13th november
legally blind
selectively mute



talita is an older character, she exists in my general ocs universe and is dating stella. she plays guitar and writes songs with her girlfriend, but is also very interested in bees and history, and enjoys studying them


personality. ambivert

talita is sweet, but finds it difficult to open up to people. once they get comfortable with somebody, they’re a lot less restrained. she's incredibly creative and loves to learn new things. despite her sensible nature, she's very headstrong, and can push herself too hard in an attempt to prove herself

LIKES bees, melittology, history, learning new instruments, music, hot chocolate, chai, pastries, walking, nature documentaries, audiobooks, bears, embroidered/crocheted things
DISLIKES rain, public transport, bland food, mens aftershave
FEARS losing touch with reality

i will pull it together, you can love me, forever and ever

key info.

  • she grew up with her parents and younger brother. although they're close, their bond was strained by talita being infantalised and seen as incapable due to her disabilities, although it was well meaning
    • she was bullied at school and not given much support beyond her worsening sight being accomodated for, and didn't finish her education, instead focusing on learning music. her selective mutism started when she was 11 because of this
  • at 19, they met stella at a museum, she gave talita a tour since she went there often
    • they got close fairly quickly and then naturally progressed into dating, talita moved in with stella
  • talita started to help stella by playing guitar to her songs, since she'd picked up the instrument recently and gotten confident in it
    • they write and play songs together :)
  • after a while they're unable to afford rent for their house since stella lost her job, and they end up moving in with everest and ivory, who stella knew through family
    • happy found family shenanigans :) i don't have anything set in stone for them

design notes.

  • she has moles on her face and lightened pupils
  • body type is chubby
  • their hair is short and curly
  • she has a lot of clothes with embroidered patterns that ivory did for her - she likes to stim with the texture
  • they will prioritise comfort and warmth above anything else, but like to wear the colour yellow and purple
spotify playlist art fight profile