Timothy Farbrook



9 months, 14 days ago


Timothy Farbrook


Name Timothy
Called Tim
Age Late 20s
Gender Trans man
Race White
Role Determinant
Alignment Neutral
Theme Song link


  • Is an abyss of internalized transphobia.
  • When he's nervous or stressed, he chews his lips and inner mouth until both start to bleed.
  • Tries to look as small and unobtrusive as possible.


  • Loud music
  • Thick blankets
  • Windy days

My Silent Hill sona. Timothy Farbrook is a broken man, beaten down by a lifetime of abuse and trauma, and his mental scars have yet to stop bleeding. He's twitchy, paranoid, and his moods are rarely stable. He can move from terrified and apologetic to blistering anger in a matter of minutes. However, Tim is rarely ever violent to anyone other than himself. He does not want to hurt other people, the very thought makes him ill, but himself? That's someone who, in Timothy's very sick mind, deserves to suffer a million times over. It's difficult for him to maintain healthy relationships as a result. He'll give everything to his partner(s), and never expect anything in return. He's had trouble with people in his past taking advantage of this. It's hard for Timothy to accept that his current partners do not wish to hurt nor use him; their reassurances and encouragements are often met with either outright confusion or feigned misunderstanding. This is amplified when they help assert his gender identity-which holds true not just for Timothy's romantic partners, but his friends as well. He does not always react well to being told someone unconditionally sees him as a man. His internalized transphobia runs deep, to the point he can never fully believe anyone respects him. And if he does manage to do so, fear shows up instead-everyone who has ever fully, truly, loved him has been ripped away without fail. Timothy does not know what it is like to not be afraid.


Timothy believes himself to be an only child, the son of a single father, whose mother left the family before he was old enough to have clear memories of her. Unfortunately, he did not have the luck to be born as his father's cisgender son. Tim couldn't describe it perfectly, but he knew his gender from a young age; he fought viciously against attempts to feminize him, and it was always the expectation of being a girl that set him off. He would have enjoyed the skirts and dolls had anyone been willing to call him a boy. But his father despised anything "queer", and refused to let his so-called daughter express anything along those hated lines. The man forcefully and violently fought Timothy's identity, until the traumatized boy simply gave in for fear of further abuse. His early life was marred by the withholding of choices: his father decided what he wore, what his hair looked like, what words he could use, what hobbies and friends he could have, and would either physically or emotionally abuse the young boy should he attempt rebellion… there was no room for self-determination in Tim's lonely, hurting life. He learned to associate his trans identity with terror, hatred, and sorrow, and his self-loathing grew with each day. Even when Timothy grew older and eventually broke free of his father's enforced gender roles, the self-hate never left. He still remained under his dad's thumb, even after chopping off his hair and rearranging his appearance to a masculine standard. The more he lost control, the more violent the man became. His abuse worsened significantly, leaving Timothy with the scar on the right side of his lip that remains there to this day, and he made threats against the people Tim loved. He lost so many to save them from his unpredictable, dangerous parent: his supportive psychiatrist, romantic partners who accepted him as their boyfriend, friends who used the right name and pronouns. A lifetime of torment left him too afraid to stand up to the man who had made Tim’s existence little more than an eternal hell.

Eventually, the worst came to pass. Timothy’s father finally snapped completely, and in a fit of violent, hateful rage, he murdered Tim’s then-partner for the crime of validating their boyfriend’s identity. Overcome by the horror of witnessing this brutal act, Timothy lashed out in return; it ended with blood on his own hands, his abuser’s lifeless corpse at his feet. Maybe in a perfect world, he would have found it cathartic to finally be free. But there was no relief nor vindication to be found in the act. He could not laugh, cry, scream… everything felt like unending static. His partner was dead. His father was dead. There remained a distinct possibility that Tim would be seen as a mindless killer of two innocent people, and locked up forever. Broken-terrified-he did the only thing left to him. He ran. Timothy escaped into the merciless night, and slipped away from it all. He had no way of knowing at the time, but there was a part of him which belonged in another world. This aspect sheltered him, guided him without words or image, until at last Tim arrived at the place he was meant to be. In truth, he knew little of the actual town that existed beneath the fog. The people there, the strange cult, it was unknown to him and in his depressed state, he did not care to dig further. He rarely ever saw it in the True World. But Silent Hill obscured him from his past, and in its vicious underbelly, Timothy found some tiny measure of peace. It was strange to think of the Otherworld or even the Fog World as anything remotely calm, but for him, anything was better than the life he’d left behind. He was safe, in his own fucked up way. And in this place, he met Vincent Smith and Claudia Wolf.


It is difficult for Tim to describe his connection to the pair, especially considering the fact they were always at each other’s throats, but he understood them in a way he never had with anyone else. They were, like him, so broken inside, so full of hurt one showed and the other concealed. They did not belong in the “True” World, either. It was easy to take comfort in their presence because of that. In truth, Timothy only felt like an actual person when Vincent or Claudia were there with him; when the two were away, he slipped into derealization, as if he too was little more than a part of the endless fog. Were he in any state of mind to realize it, Tim might have caught how quickly he slipped into a codependent relationship. But to have people who loved him, who would not be taken away by his father, who accepted the shattered pieces of his identity… it was impossible to give up. The two were not fond of each other in any way, but they could at least find common ground with their connection to Timothy. He didn’t mind. He missed a lot of things in the haze of his trauma scars, and whatever Vincent and Claudia were involved in, they didn’t foist it upon him. Tim liked things this way. To have things be simple worked for him just fine; to be a human only in the presence of his cherished people felt like real freedom. It had always been painful, the way he used to exist constantly. But now, he was ethereal. He was finally at peace. And as if the universe felt it only proper to spit in his face when he least expected it, Timothy’s two loves both died.

The events of Silent Hill 3 went down without him being involved, nor so much as informed, but it did not take long for Tim to discover the fates of his partners. It goes without saying that the revelation shattered him utterly. Devastated and overcome with despair, Timothy’s psyche broke into so many pieces, it’d be impossible to put him back together into the person he once was. His memories were metaphysically repressed; they were buried completely, replaced with a false narrative of his life that he believed without a second thought. The Otherworld chewed him up and spat him out into the path of one Nemo Glass, a stranger Tim had never crossed paths with before. Their time together diverges into multiple endings, but in the best/good ending, Nemo helps Timothy find himself again, and to start living for his own sake. They also give him information on Vincent’s survival, which leads him into finally stepping foot in the true world for the first time in a long time. It should have been okay. He’d found a true friend, worked to reunite with/save both of his lives, even tolerated Nikolai… but there was one thing the restoration of his memories brought back that Timothy struggled to face. He’d never been an only child. When his mind broke, the memory of his twin sister had gone with it-he’d erased everything of her to escape the pain of separation, even though he loved them. How could he have ever done that? And how could he face her again, as he is now…?


  • He’s involved in a shared AU universe alongside MaximumSnow’s characters, Nemo and Nikolai.
  • When the Otherworld buried his memories, Tim lost his knowledge of his twin sister. He feels immense guilt over the fact his mind erased her, even if temporarily.
  • He knows of Henry from SH4 through Nemo, but only in a very surface level manner. They never met before certain events happened.
  • It’s unknown how much of an effect his powers had on his previous life. It’s entirely possible that nobody who knew him before retains any strong memories of him.
  • His abilities are powerful but nebulous, and Tim can only control a fraction of them. He can travel between the three distinct worlds, a power Claudia helped hone, and he has a (mostly) uncontrollable ability to make people forget his existence if driven to extreme emotional duress. This only really works on those who haven’t been exposed to Silent Hill.



Nemo Glass [ Close Friends ]

His best friend and closest confidant in the aftermath of their return to Silent Hill. Nemo was the one who helped Timothy remember his true past, and they never gave up on him even when they had every reason to do so. He appreciates that more than they could ever know, and laments the fact he cannot put his gratitude into words.


Nikolai Gerhardt [ Good question… ]

Before the end of the AU’s plotline, Nikolai attempted to use Timothy against Nemo, weaponized his trauma, and withheld vital information from him. He has yet to forgive, and will likely never forget. But he recognizes that Nemo wants to show Nikolai a second chance. He instead takes out his feelings in the form of petty pranks.


Character [ relationship ]

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